Keynote Speaker Diana Butler Bass

Butler Bass received her Ph.D. from Duke University. She has taught at
Westmont College, the University of California at Santa Barbara,
Macalester College, Rhodes College, and Virginia Theological Seminary.
She is the author of eight books, including most recently Christianity after Religion: The End of Church and the Birth of a New Spiritual Awakening. Her groundbreaking study of mainline vitality, Christianity for the Rest of Us: How the Neighborhood Church Is Transforming the Faith was named one of the best religion books of the year by Publishers Weekly and
Christian Century, won the book of the year award from the Academy of
Parish Clergy, and was featured in a cover story in USA Today. Her next
book will be Grounded: Finding the Spirit of God in the Spirit of the Age, scheduled for publication in Fall 2015. Follow her on Twitter: @dianabutlerbass.