tree farm, located in West Augusta, will celebrate its 21st season as a
Boys Home operation. The tree farm is open Fridays, Saturdays and
Sundays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., beginning Friday, November 28 and ending
Sunday, December 21.
Tree Farm Open House on Nov. 29
House at the Boys Home Christmas Tree Farm is Saturday, November 29.
The theme "Over the River and Through the Woods" features family
activities, refreshments, photo booth and door prizes.
There's no better way to enjoy your Christmas than to visit the farm. It
is just the right place for good tree selection while helping our young
men. Besides trees, the gift shop sells wreathes, roping, handmade
ornaments and a variety of Christmas items.
tree farm is located off Rt. 688 at 1118 Bear Wallow Flat, West
Augusta, VA 24485. For information and directions, call 540-939-4106 or
540-965-7700. You may also visit the Boys Home website or Facebook page.