Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Youth Leadership for Youth Task Force applications being accepted

There is a wonderful opportunity for youth to participate in this year's May Weekend in a leadership role. We are inviting youth in grades 10-11 to apply to be leaders for this program.  This year's theme, God's Love Is ..., was developed by the current seniors on the Youth Ministry Task Force.  
This offering is a faith-based retreat for your peers and adult youth leaders in the diocese. You will have the opportunity to lead worship, assist behind the scenes, help with music if so inclined, to MC the weekend, and to build mentoring relationships with your peers. The time commitment will be as follows: Thursday, May 16 (7:00 p.m.) - Sunday, May 19 (2:00 p.m.) at Chanco on the James, and one or two planning meetings (1 hour and half to two hours in duration) prior to the weekend (may be conducted virtually).
Clergy, Formation Leaders, and Youth Leaders, please encourage your youth to apply.  Selected Youth Leaders will receive a discount for May Weekend.
The deadline for this application to be submitted by mail or e-mail is Wednesday, April 17. Click here for more information and application form.