Monday, April 29, 2019

From the Stewardship Commission: Attention seniors of a certain age

The April 15 tax deadline has passed. Some of us who usually itemize deductions were surprised by the new standard deduction being the choice to lessen our tax liability. Be not dismayed - you have an opportunity to make qualified charitable contributions to your church for 2019 and beyond without having to itemize deductions. You can manage your retirement assets to benefit you and your family, reduce your tax burden, all while supporting the ministries of the church. When you reach the age of 70 1/2 you must begin making required minimum distributions (RMDs). A portion of your RMD may be sent as a tax-free gift from your IRA custodian (financial institution) directly to the Church by means of a QCD (qualified charitable distribution).  
For a QCD to count toward your current year's required minimum distribution, the funds must come from your IRA after the date that you turn 70 1/2 and by your RMD deadline, which is generally December 31 each year. To report a QCD,follow the 1040 instructions for lines 4a and 4b. These gifts are easy to make; ask your tax adviser and your financial institution how you can take advantage of this tax break.