Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Update on Bishop Search

Nominations and Applications closed Friday March 15. We received over 40 applications. Candidates were contacted by both phone and email and had until Friday March 22 to submit the requested documents. The Nominating/Search committee will now begin the process of assessment using a common rubric for the documents submitted. The candidates who will move forward to the next stage in the process will be contacted and phone interviews with teams of committee members will be set up. Additional materials will be requested and submitted. Those not moving forward will also be notified. Face to face interviews will be conducted with candidates who move forward following the phone interviews. These will take place in early June.
The committee asks your prayers as we move through this discernment process. We pray God's guiding hand will be with each of us as we move through this assessment period. Please join us in using the prayer below as we move into this important phase of the process.
Gracious and loving God, who speaks to us in the deep places of our hearts, grant us the wisdom to listen for your voice and to follow your will in our lives. We humbly ask that you guide us as we seek a shepherd for the Diocese of Southern Virginia. Support with your grace those that you have chosen to respond to this call. Let your Holy Spirit so direct them and us, that together we may discern your call for the next Bishop of the Diocese of Southern Virginia. We ask this in the precious name of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Pam Pringle
Chair Nominating/Search Committee
More about the Search for the 11th Bishop of Southern Virginia and the Diocesan Profile can be found at www.diosova.org/bishopsearch.