Campaign donors Hard Hat Tour an enormous success
Thank you to the over 50 campaign donors that joined us Saturday for our
first ever Sneak Peek Hard Hat tour! Our friends enjoyed learning more
about the progress of our campaign, a guided tour through our buildings
under construction and a worship service led by The Rev. David Davenport
in our mid-construction Spirit Center. We closed our event circled up
in the Spirit Center singing the Chanco Song followed by refreshments
and fellowship. Thanks be to God!
However, we are not done yet! Chanco is still working to blow
past our $3 million stretch goal in order to achieve all of our dreams
for this place to the best of our ability and for the strongest ministry
impact in Chanco's future. Join us in this generational milestone
moment in Chanco's long history. Contact Campaign Director Talley
Banazek at or 804-399-4019 for more information on how to join us!