St. Paul's, Newport News, was the recipient of a diocesan
Seeds of Hope Grant for 2015. Seeds of Hope grants support the
development or expansion of social justice ministries in Southern
St. Paul's, Newport News, is a beacon of hope to the needy and the
homeless in the downtown area of Newport News. St. Paul's provides hot
meals five times a week, coupled with Bible Study on Sunday morning as
well as a Seeds of Hope Bible Study/breakfast on Mondays. Three days a
week St. Paul's provides a "Safe Place" in the mornings with coffee, a
snack, bathroom and laundry facilities to anyone in need. A critical
part of that ministry has been to provide a place to do laundry. For
those who either wear or carry everything they own in a backpack or
plastic bags, St. Paul's provides the only opportunity to clean their
clothes-and with it to restore some dignity. A Seeds of Hope Grant in
2015 enabled St. Paul's to purchase a washer, dryer and refrigerator to
expand their ministry.
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Episcopal Church is offering grants for Mission Enterprise Zones and
for New Church Starts and St. Paul's is exploring expanding these
programs through the establishment of a Mission Enterprise Zone (MEZ) in
Downtown Newport News. These two innovative Episcopal Church
initiatives are funded through the Five Marks of Mission triennial
budget, approved by General Convention July 2012/2015.
Learn more about St. Paul's ministries to the downtown community at
Learn more about St. Paul's ministries to the downtown community at