Tuesday, September 13, 2016

14 Seeds of Hope Grants awarded

At its August 25, 2016 meeting, the Executive Board approved 14 diocesan Seeds of Hope Grant awards, totaling $24,625, to 11 parishes or organizations. Funded projects include a nutrition program for senior citizens, "From Guns to Art" project, youth mentoring, Laundry Love project, and a community garden.
Seeds of Hope grants support the development or expansion of social justice ministries sponsored by diocesan congregations and organizations. Seeds of Hope grants were the heart of our diocese's Second Century "Feed My Sheep" campaign conducted fourteen years ago. Funds from this campaign produce income that is available on an annual basis for social justice ministries proposed by parishes, diocesan departments and commissions.

Over the next few weeks, the Diocesan eNews will feature stories of ministry funded by 2015 diocesan Seeds of Hope Grants. 
2016 awards were made to:
St. Andrew's, Norfolk
Good Samaritan, Virginia Beach
GraceInside Prison Chaplaincy
St. Andrew's and Grace, Norfolk
St. James, Warfield
St. Paul's, Lawrenceville
St. Paul's, Newport News
St. Thomas, Freeman
Holy Apostles, Virginia Beach
Mission of the Holy Spirit, Norfolk