As we enter into the Spring Ingathering time for United Thank Offering, we might take the time to look into a few of the examples of Grant giving throughout the world. The following is just a sample of the Grants List from 2011:
- $18,700.00 to the Diocese of Pittsburgh for Youth Arts and Film Project, a project of Neighborhood Youth Outreach Program at St. Stephens Episcopal church in Wilkinsburg, Pa.
- Grant of $8,000.00 to the diocese of Southwest Florida for Solving Homelessness in the Florida Keys through Empowerment Programs.
- Grant of $40,000.00 to the Diocese of Colombia toward purchase of a used dwelling to construct a chapel, Mission Cristo Rey in Quibdo.
Our Offerings can, and
do help in more ways than we can ever imagine. This is why it continues
to be so necessary that we keep our Thank Offerings coming during the
Ingatherings. April is already here, and now begins our Spring
Ingathering time! Hopefully, you will continue to respond and give as
generously as you have in the past.
As promised, a new
Diocesan UTO Coordinator is taking the reins, and your Parish Contact
UTO Coordinator will work with your parish, as always, to receive the
Ingathering Collections. Your church Contact Person or Coordinator or
Representative for United Thank Offerings should then send a check
representing the total collections from Ingathering, to the new
Coordinator: Ms. Joyce Douglas, 4608 Coronet Avenue, Virginia Beach, VA
Thank you for all the
support you have given during my short term as Diocesan Coordinator, and
I do leave with sincere regrets. Other responsibilities dictate,
however, that I relinquish this position. I am most confident that Ms.
Douglas will serve you and our Diocese with great competence and