Take the Chanco Challenge! Anonymous donor will match up to $30,000
is pleased and blessed to report that we have been offered a donation
of up to $30,000 to match funds raised in our Restoration Fund this
year! Chanco is seeking to execute the complete exterior renovation of
Conference Center lodges B and C among other major property renovations
and is challenging our friends to prayerfully consider matching their
Annual Fund donation (still needed for scholarships and to offset
operating costs) with a donation to our Restoration Fund where this year
your dollar will have double the impact! Make your donation by April
16th and the Chanco Board can move forward with Lodge renovation plans
for this summer! Checks should be made to Chanco on the
James with Restoration Fund in the memo line and mailed to Chanco at 394
Floods Drive, Spring Grove, VA 23881. Thank you for your support - you
are making a difference in Chanco's future!