Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Join us for World Drawing God Day

Karen Keifer, author of the children’s book Drawing God was inspired to write the book when she overheard a conversation between two children in the grocery store.  One child said “My mother said you shouldn’t talk about God in school because it makes people feel uncomfortable.”  That conversation inspired not only the creation of the Drawing God children’s book; it also morphed into intergenerational creative conversations across many faith traditions - highlighting that “we all see God differently”.  

November 9 is the second World Drawing God Day and you are invited to participate in this intergenerational event. There are a number of free on-line programs that you can take part in, including a reading of the book by Karen Kiefer. Visit https://www.drawing-god.com/2020-events  to learn more and register for the on-line program opportunities.  However, even if you choose not to take part in the online programs, you can still be part of World Drawing God Day 2020 by sharing your creation using the hashtag #drawinggod and if you send a copy of your creation to lfarlin@diosova.org we would love to include it in our own diocesan online gallery.   

So grab some paper and art supplies and show the world the answer to this question - How do you see God?