Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Lent: A Season to Restore and Reconnect

A message from Bishop Haynes


In the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens….then the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being. (Genesis 2:4, 7)

Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return. (Book of Common Prayer, p. 265)
Now, as the days begin to lengthen, we enter the season of Lent wherein we remember our mortality. God created humankind from the dust and dirt of the Earth. At our death, we will return to that point of creation. It is a good spiritual discipline to keep in mind our connection to the Earth and the dirt from which we were fashioned.

Normally, Lent is a time when we “give up” something. Often Lenten disciplines ask us to give up something meaningful in order to remind us of our dependence on God. But we have had more than enough of “giving up,” haven’t we? Over the past year we have given up so much – our church buildings, our familiar forms of worship, our frequent face-to-face contact with each other. Perhaps now, as we enter our second Lent during this pandemic, it seems exhausting to contemplate giving up anything else. In this state of exhaustion, we are mindful of our own deep need and longing to be restored and reconnected.

And perhaps that’s what this Lent should be – a season of restoration and reconnection. As we contemplate our origin from and ultimate return to the Earth, perhaps we might be best served to use the 40 days of Lent as a time consciously to reconnect us with that Earth. Why not spend this Lent looking for ways to connect with creation and for ways to steward and care for it? Become mindful of all of the living things God created – all creatures (animals and insects, plants and trees) as well as that gorgeous creation of our brothers and sisters. Connect with them by caring for them – by caring for the Earth and by caring for each other. Research ways to care for the Earth – to be a good steward of Creation. (Incidentally, if you Google “40 Lenten observances for care of creation, you will find some suggested Lenten disciplines along those lines).

Continue in your prayers and in your diligent study of Scripture. Let your chapel be the outdoors as you wonder in God’s creation. Look for safe ways to stay connected with your brothers and sisters in Christ, caring for them in ways that you would enjoy receiving care. This pandemic is not going to last forever. We WILL return from this exile. Even now, we are seeing hopeful signs of its abatement. Hear the prophet, Jeremiah, who reminds us, For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

Yes, let us indeed remember that we are dust. People of the dust are beloved people, connected people – beloved of God and connected to Him and to each other. Let us use this Lent to celebrate and restore ourselves to that connection.

129th Annual Council is Feb. 22-27

This year's Annual Council is completely virtual and will be spread out over the week of Feb. 22-27. Most of the events during Council Week will be open to everyone and no advance registration is required. You can see the full Council Week schedule and the planned live events here.

Complete information about Council Week, and delegate materials, can be found at www.bit.ly/diosova129.
Council Week events open to all

Please plan to join us for Council Week's live virtual events on Zoom that are open to everyone! Log in details will be provided by email and on our website the morning of each event.

Tuesday, February 23
  • Spotlight Focus on Formation, 7 p.m. Join us as we explore three free formation opportunities available for use in your community: Sacred Ground, Bible Project, and Embracing Evangelism. We will share insights learned, facilitation suggestions and, highlight the flexibility afforded by these programs to be lay or clergy-led and delivered via Zoom or in-person.
  • 2020 Financial Report & 2021 Budget Presentation and Q&A, 7 p.m. (This presentation will be recorded and available to watch on demand the next day)
Wednesday, February 24
  • Join Latino/a/x Missioner, the Rev. Mario Melendez, for a discussion of Ministry in a Time of Pandemic, 7 p.m.
  • Chanco on the James: Your Camp and Retreat Ministry, 7 p.m. Join Chanco Director Gareth Kalfas to learn more about Chanco, take a look at their new facilities, hear how they weathered 2020 and get info on the 2021 Summer Camp schedule. There will also be time for Q&A. Join us!
Thursday, February 25
These events are for youth and college students only - contact Youth Missioner Megan Dern for information and registration, mdern@diosova.org.
  • EYC Hang Out: Council 101 and Compline, 5 p.m.
  • College Ministry Gathering: Council 101 and Compline, 7 p.m.
Friday, February 26
"Rooted in Love" - Keynote speaker Jerusalem Greer

Everyone is invited to join us via Zoom on Friday, February 26 at 7 p.m. for “Rooted in Love: Where Good News, Spiritual Practices and our Baptismal promises meet” -- How does our baptism inform our ministries and our lives? What does Good News sound like? What exactly is the purpose of formation? Join Jerusalem Greer, Staff Officer for Evangelism for Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, as she shares about the Way of Love, Episcopal Evangelism, Discipleship, and why our "why" matters most of all.

Jerusalem Greer is the Staff Officer for Evangelism for The Episcopal Church in the Office of the Presiding Bishop. She is also a member of the Way of Love creation and leadership team and serves on Episcopal Relief & Development’s Council of Advice. 

Saturday, February 27
The business meeting of the Annual Council, convenes at 9:30 a.m. will be live-streamed on the diocesan YouTube channel. (Registered clergy and lay delegates will participate via Zoom.)

Zoom & voting practice session for Council delegates

Registered Council delegates mark your calendar and plan to join us Monday, February 22 at 7 p.m. for an opportunity to practice with the Zoom tools and digital voting system we'll be using at the Council business meeting on February 27. (This event is limited to registered clergy & lay delegates only. Log in information will be emailed to you.)

Virtual Council includes a Virtual Exhibit Hall

Visit the Virtual Exhibit Hall which features links to some of our favorite Annual Council vendors.

Way of the Cross free video and reflection guide

The devotion known as the Way of the Cross is an adaptation of a custom widely observed by pilgrims to Jerusalem: the offering of prayer at a series of places in that city traditionally associated with our Lord’s passion and death. This practice is also known as Stations of the Cross. The Department of Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary is offering a video version of The Way of the Cross and a reflection guide in both English and Spanish (coming soon). Through scripture, art, and music, the video invites us to walk with Christians of every generation on a virtual pilgrimage, meditating on our Lord’s passion and death. Click here for more information.

New resource: Lent at Home in Community

The Diocese of Southern Virginia has purchased a license for a program designed by GenOn Ministries called “Lent at Home in Community” that can be used by churches and households in the Diocese of Southern Virginia.  This six-week resource is centered on the Psalm readings for each Sunday in Lent. Each week participants will focus on one of the following concepts: See, Taste, Hear, Smell, Touch, and Give. The program was designed to be a simple, flexible, in-home resource for households of all ages, sizes and stages to use. A weekly virtual gathering component can be added for those seeking additional small group reflection, but it is not a requirement of the program design. If your church community or household is interested in using this resource please email lfarlin@diosova.org to obtain Lent at Home in Community as well as the distribution/use guidelines.

News from Boys Home

Through their Liaison Links newsletter, Boys Home invites you to stay connected with the spiritual life that takes place behind the scenes at Boys Home. This edition includes the Boys Home Lenten Calendar and the annual Quilt Raffle. Click here for the newsletter. Please take the time to read and share!

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

129th Annual Council is Feb. 22-27

This year's Annual Council is completely virtual and will be spread out over the week of Feb. 22-27. Most of the events during Council Week will be open to everyone and no advance registration is required. You can see the full Council Week schedule and the planned live events here.

Complete information about Council Week, and delegate materials, can be found at www.bit.ly/diosova129.
"Rooted in Love" - Keynote speaker Jerusalem Greer

Everyone is invited on Friday, February 26 at 7 p.m. for “Rooted in Love: Where Good News, Spiritual Practices and our Baptismal promises meet” -- How does our baptism inform our ministries and our lives? What does Good News sound like? What exactly is the purpose of formation? Join Jerusalem Greer, Staff Officer for Evangelism for Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, as she shares about the Way of Love, Episcopal Evangelism, Discipleship, and why our "why" matters most of all.

Jerusalem Greer is the Staff Officer for Evangelism for The Episcopal Church in the Office of the Presiding Bishop. She is also a member of the Way of Love creation and leadership team and serves on Episcopal Relief & Development’s Council of Advice. Jerusalem has authored two books and a host of curricula. She lives with her family on hobby farm in rural Arkansas, where they are attempting to live a slower version of modern life. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.

Virtual Council includes a Virtual Exhibit Hall

Visit the Virtual Exhibit Hall which features links to some of our favorite Annual Council vendors.

There's still time to be part of the Virtual Hymn Recording!

For Annual Council we’ll be recording Hymn 25, O Gracious Light. You - and your friends and family! - are invited to be a part of the recording! Click here for complete details and instructions. Deadline for recordings extended to Saturday, February 13.

Connecting with Jesus across Time and Cul

Let’s be honest. Sometimes we all have those “the Bible is so weird” moments when we are reading or hearing Scripture from our contemporary, Western perspective. This Lent you are invited to join a Zoom class on Monday evenings at 7:30 p.m., beginning February 22 and continuing through March 22 to explore some of the ways we misunderstand or don’t understand the ancient culture of the Biblical world. The class is led by The Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Soltys, Priest-in-Charge at Good Shepherd, Norfolk. You must register to receive the Zoom link. Please send an email to office@goodshepherdnorfolk.org to sign up. The class will be a mixed lecture and discussion format.

Life Transformed - The Way of Love in Lent

New and updated resources available for Lent, Holy Week, and Easter

New and updated Lent and Easter resources for congregations, dioceses, and communities of faith are available from The Episcopal Church, with additional offerings coming soon. Available and upcoming resources include: Updated Life Transformed – The Way of Love in Lent curriculum; Sermons That Work for Holy Week and Easter; a new podcast series, Prophetic Voices: Preaching and Teaching Beloved Community. Find resources here. Read more here (in English, Spanish, and French).

Episcopal Migration Ministries offers daily Lenten devotional series

Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM), in partnership with members of the Episcopal Asylum Ministry Network, is offering a daily Lenten devotional series. Written reflections will be released daily beginning Ash Wednesday, February 17, through Easter Sunday, April 4. Reflections will also be available on the EMM website blog. Read more here.

Guidelines developed for amending church records for identity changes

At the request of General Convention (2018-A088), The Archives of The Episcopal Church has prepared a set of recommendations for developing local policy on name and gender changes to Episcopal Church records. The Guidelines for Policy on Amending Church Records for Name and Gender Changes are available on the Archives Website with Spanish translation and supporting resources and links. Read more here (in English and Spanish).

The Episcopal Church offers a new Global Mission Digital Toolkit for World Mission Sunday

Traditionally celebrated on the last Sunday after Epiphany, this year World Mission Sunday is observed on February 14. Read more here (in English and Spanish).

Care of Creation Grants now available

Application deadline March 26, 2021

The Episcopal Church’s Task Force on Creation Care and Environmental Racism is now accepting applications for its 2021 Grant Cycle. An informational webinar for those interested in learning more about the grants and the application process is scheduled for February 18th at 3 pm EST. Read more here (in English and Spanish).

Monday, February 1, 2021

Reverend Absalom Jones Virtual Commemoration on February 13

You are invited to the Absalom Jones Celebration hosted by the James Solomon Russell Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE) Chapter. Theme: “To See the Future, Look at the Past”. Speaker: The Rev. Dr. Joseph N. Green Jr, Rector Emeritus, Grace Episcopal Church, Norfolk, VA. The James Solomon Russell Chapter of UBE invite you to make a gift to: The Absalom Jones Fund for Episcopal HBCUs supports two institutions affiliated with The Episcopal Church since the 1800’s: Saint Augustine’s University in Raleigh, NC, and Voorhees College. To donate by mail, please send your contribution to: DFMS – Protestant Episcopal Church USA, P.O. Box 958983, St. Louis, MO 63195-8983. Donations can be made out to “The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society” with Absalom Jones noted in the memo section. To join the Zoom celebration on Feb. 13, click here. Meeting ID: 833 1089 8138, Passcode: 581958. To join by phone, dial 1-301-715-8592.

Addictions & Recovery Commission co-hosts Invitation to Change Approach training

The Addictions and Recovery Commission and SpiritWorks Foundation invite you to participate in a virtual training in the Invitation to Change Approach with Dr. Carrie Wilkins and Dr. Jarrell Myers from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Fridays, Feb. 12 and Feb. 19. This training requires a commitment to both days.
This training will provide access to evidenced-based strategies and tools for helping families and the community who are affected by addiction. You will learn to help lead the charge in the faith community of helping members of your parish/community with a program that is supported by science and reflects the Christian values of compassion, and a desire to heal pain. We will be setting up groups across the diocese and church to use this model and will help you with setting them up in your context.  
Participants will leave the training with a new way of understanding and approaching substance use, as well as a set of practical skills and understandings that will help them better help people with substance use issues.
If you have any questions or if the cost is prohibitive, please contact the Rev. Lauren McDonald at lauren@spiritworksfoundation.orgClick here for more information and registration

Be a part of the Virtual Hymn Recording for Annual Council

For Annual Council we’ll be recording Hymn 25, O Gracious Light. You - and your friends and family! - are invited to be a part of the recording! Click here for complete details and instructions. Recordings must be submitted by Monday, February 8.