Tuesday, October 13, 2020

General Convention Task Force invites Episcopalians to participate in survey “Social Justice and the Episcopal Church: A Call for Stories”

The Task Force on Theology of Social Justice Advocacy invites Episcopalians to participate in a survey, “Social Justice and the Episcopal Church: A Call for Stories”.

In the work of contemplating the theology of social justice advocacy in The Episcopal Church, the Task Force recognizes that different people have vastly different perspectives and experiences. For some, social justice advocacy may seem somewhat peripheral to their spiritual lives in the church; for others, social justice may have become an important focal point of their theology over time; for still others, the struggle for social justice is fundamental to and inseparable from their experience of what it is to be a Christian.
The members of the Task Force would like to gather stories and deeper perspectives to support their work on behalf of the Church and invite Episcopalians to consider sharing their experience by completing the survey, “Social Justice and the Episcopal Church: A Call for Stories”.
The survey will take approximately 15-30 minutes to complete and is available in English here, in Spanish here, and in French here. Survey responses are due by November 5, 2020. For questions or additional information, please email tfsja.episcopal@gmail.com.