three years, the United Thank Offering gathers original prayers from
around the Episcopal Church to create a pocket book of prayers available
at General Convention. Last Convention they were able to collect 125
prayers of gratitude in honor of 125 years of the United Thank Offering.
This year they are hoping to collect original prayers from nine
categories: gratitude, guidance, fear/danger, forgiveness, healing,
loneliness, crisis/dealing with disappointment or crisis, love of God,
or other. Children, women, men, clergy, seminarians or groups may write
prayers for this edition of the booklet and they may be submitted in any
language. Prayers can be submitted in any format: collect, litany, free
form or prose. Please submit all prayers by July 1, 2017. Prayers must
be submitted using this webpage.
You'll be asked to select which category your prayer fits into best for
the pocket prayer book. You'll also be asked to provide a title for
your prayer. You may submit multiple prayers, but you will need to fill
out a separate form for each prayer. If you need assistance, contact UTO
staff at hmelton@episcopalchurch.org.