Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Eight Canterburians confirmed this year

By The Rev. Tyler Montgomery, Bruton Parish, Williamsburg

The William & Mary Canterbury Association was pleased to have eight students called to receive the sacrament of confirmation this year. These students all completed a seven-week Christian Formation course, including a one-on-one session with the Chaplain to discuss and articulate what it means to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. In two years, eighteen students have received confirmation and three students have been baptized; several more students have already expressed an interest in Christian Formation and sacramental membership in the Church for the next academic year. It is an exciting time for the Church! Young adults are evidently interested in "coming and seeing" what Jesus is doing in this place and in their lives. As ever, Christianity surprises us in the ways in which it expresses itself, and it seems that we are seeing a revival of sorts in the midst of our establishment at Bruton Parish, Williamsburg. For this, we give thanks to God!