A resident at Jackson-Feild Behavioral Health Services (JFBHS) confided to Chaplain Robin Moore that prior to her placement she had no home and no place to sleep. The girl’s plight touched Moore’s heart and motivated her to act.
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
The Godspeed Project at Jackson-Feild
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
A word from Bishop Susan's Medical Advisory Team
As you know, Bishop Susan and Canon Roy Hoffman meet weekly with a team of doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, physicians’ assistants and an attorney to look at COVID case occurrences in the Diocese of Southern Virginia. The medical advisory team strongly recommends that parish leadership monitor metrics through the Virginia Department of Health paying special attention to percent positivity and 14-day trends. If percent positivity approaches 8% and case trends are increasing, parishes should consider ceasing in-person worship and return to virtual worship only. If percent positivity is 10% or above, in-person worship should not occur. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Diocesan Office.
New resources: Advent, Christmas and more
Advent Resources:
- Ten Advent Resources for 2020
- Episcopal Church Advent & Christmas Resources
- Becoming Beloved Community
- Advent Candle Lighting Litanies
- Dialogues On Race (DVD, Facilitator Guide and Participant Book) - Published by Sparkhouse the resource is structured to be completed in seven 1-hour segments.
- Dialogues On The Refugee Crisis (DVD, Facilitator Guide and Participant Book) - Published by Sparkhouse the resource is structured to be completed in seven 1-hour segments.
- Who Is My Neighbor: Refugees In America, (DVD) a 56 minute documentary that explores the refugee crisis and how it impacts churches, local communities, and the United States.
- White Savior: Racism in the American Church, (DVD) a 62 minute documentary that “explores the historic relationship between racism and American Christianity”.
Monday, November 23, 2020
Join the conversation at "The Questions Project"
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Dear friends and supporters of Boys Home,
Jackson-Feild: Spiritual development amidst a global pandemic
For 165 years, spiritual development has been a fundamental cornerstone at Jackson-Feild (JFBHS). Today, COVID-19 restrictions have necessitated imagination and ingenuity on the part of our Chaplain, the Rev. Dr. Robin Moore, to fulfill the spiritual needs of the children.
Monday, November 16, 2020
Seeds of Hope Grants awarded
The Diocese of Southern Virginia awarded $14,000 in Seeds of Hope Grants this year. The grants were approved by the Executive Board at it’s November 5 meeting. Grants were awarded to: