Monday, November 16, 2020

Seeds of Hope Grants awarded

The Diocese of Southern Virginia awarded $14,000 in Seeds of Hope Grants this year. The grants were approved by the Executive Board at it’s November 5 meeting. Grants were awarded to:

Good Night God
Canterbury Center at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, awarded a grant to purchase audio visual equipment to offer a service of Compline twice a week on YouTube.
Backpack Surprise
Johns Memorial, Farmville, awarded a grant to provide small gifts to include in backpacks with soups and healthy snacks that are given to children whose parents are picking up food at the local food pantry.
Bridging the Gaps
Mission of the Holy Spirit, Norfolk, awarded a grant to provide facilitators, transportation, supplies and snacks for this educational program for Mission families.
Seed & Feed Program
St. Paul’s, Lawrenceville, awarded a grant to provie provide funding for programming for widows, grandparents raising grandchildren, single parents, dialysis patients, technicians, nurses and first responders in the local community.
Youth Empowerment Project and Senior Pals
St. Thomas, Freeman, awarded two grants to provide virtual programming and workshops for youth as well as a Bible study and boxed lunches for senior citizens.