Tuesday, February 16, 2021

New resource: Lent at Home in Community

The Diocese of Southern Virginia has purchased a license for a program designed by GenOn Ministries called “Lent at Home in Community” that can be used by churches and households in the Diocese of Southern Virginia.  This six-week resource is centered on the Psalm readings for each Sunday in Lent. Each week participants will focus on one of the following concepts: See, Taste, Hear, Smell, Touch, and Give. The program was designed to be a simple, flexible, in-home resource for households of all ages, sizes and stages to use. A weekly virtual gathering component can be added for those seeking additional small group reflection, but it is not a requirement of the program design. If your church community or household is interested in using this resource please email lfarlin@diosova.org to obtain Lent at Home in Community as well as the distribution/use guidelines.