Bishop Susan would
like to invite anyone in the Diocese of Southern Virginia who is
interested to study the Bible with her through Lectio Divina. Lectio
Divina is a prayerful way of studying Scripture that, once learned, can
be practiced in groups or in solitude. Beginning August 10, we will meet
weekly for four weeks to look at Scriptures that will also be helpful
in assisting us to navigate through the COVID-19 crisis. No experience
is needed, as Bishop Susan will guide you through the practice of
reading (lectio), meditation (meditatio), prayerful response (oratio),
and contemplation, or simply resting in God (contemplatio). Beginning at
7 p.m., these meetings will last for 90 minutes. Each meeting is
limited to 50 persons, so registration is needed. Register to participate here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.