Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Jackson-Feild's Bible School benefits others

Several times a year, Jackson-Feild holds a voluntary Bible School for interested boys and girls. Led by Jackson-Feild's chaplain The Rev. Dr. Robin Moore, an average of 39 residents and staff participated in the most recent daily Bible School activities.
With the theme "Sharing God," a key component was for residents to witness and experience how everyone can
be in service to others. Each Bible School session includes a service project in which children do something for others in the community. In this session, they made 48 pairs of "Silly Socks" for residents of Emporia Manor, a local assisted living facility. Starting with a pair of plain white socks, and an array of paint, the participants decorated the socks with their own unique designs.
Give a kid puffy paints, a pair of socks, and a little time, and something magical happens. While some children worked individually, others worked in teams. The children's creativity came alive through their designs, and the men and women of Emporia Manor will surely enjoy keeping their feet warm with a pair of happy "Silly Socks."