- Anytime: The Way of Love Small Group Facilitation Guide and Curriculum (9 sessions): Essential resource for forming a small group, shaping a Rule of Life, and growing in relationship with God and each other.
- Epiphany - LEARN/The Good Book Club: Along the Way of Love, we read and learn from scripture each day, with a special focus on the life and teachings of Jesus. This Epiphany join any of the Good Book Club efforts and spend a season with Paul's letter to the Romans. Learn more at www.goodbookclub.org, an initiative of Forward Movement.
- Lent and Easter/Life Transformed: The Way of Love in Lent and Easter: The Episcopal Church provides this seasonal resource, complete with Adult Forums, a Quiet Day and an Easter season of action.
- Ascension to Pentecost - PRAY/Thy Kingdom Come: Led by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Christians around the world will share in 12 days of intentional prayer for the spread of God's love. Learn more and get ready for this energizing global movement of prayer at www.thykingdomcome.global.
- Way of Love resources from Church Publishing, Inc. (CPI) include Living the Way of Love, a 40-day devotional by Mary Bea Sullivan, and their recently published Little Books of Guidance - one for each of the seven Way of Love practices. Explore the host of CPI resources at www.churchpublishing.org/wayoflove.
Monday, January 7, 2019
Way of Love resources
To assist congregations, dioceses, and communities of faith
to engage the Way of Love throughout the liturgical year, The Episcopal
Church and partnering organizations offer resources for every time of the year: