Bishop Magness called to serve as Bishop Diocesan Pro-Tempore
The Executive Board and Standing Committee of the Diocese are pleased to
announce that the Rt. Rev. James B. Magness has accepted a call to
serve as our Bishop Diocesan Pro-Tempore, effective January 1, 2019 and
until such time as the 11th Bishop of the Diocese of Southern Virginia
is consecrated. Bishop Jay is well known to most of us, having served in
an administrative capacity in our diocese before his election as
Suffragan Bishop of the Armed Forces and Federal Ministries. Since his
retirement from that position, he and Carolyn have been in many of our
parishes, as he has served as our Assisting Bishop. The lay delegates
and clergy of the Diocese will be asked to affirm this appointment at
Diocesan Council in February, 2019.