Wednesday, September 26, 2018

ECW Annual Fall Meeting Oct. 20

St. Cyprian's, Hampton, will host the ECW Annual Fall Meeting on Saturday, October 20. The Province III President Beblon Parks will be the keynote speaker. Also this will be the last time Bishop Herman Hollerith IV will be with us as Bishop of of Southern Virginia. Come and join us in saying goodbye.
Registration and coffee will begin at 9:30 a.m. The meeting will convene at 10 a.m. and will include Eucharist, installation of ECW officers and lunch. To register for the meeting, contact Tia Morings, 757-650-8809 or by October 6. Registration cost is $20 and includes lunch. Please advise Tia of any dietary restrictions. Registration fee will be collected at the door. Registration deadline is October 6. St. Cyprian's is located at 1242 West Queen Street in Hampton.