Starting in September ChurchNext
will launch three new, 'live' Bible classes that you can take by
computer anywhere in the world. They're taught on the ChurchNext
platform, incorporating zoom meeting technology. You can take a class
individually or with your group.
There will be three six-week courses:
- Heretics in Good Company, led by Scott Gunn and Melody Shobe
- The Bible and Racial Justice, led by Kelly Brown Douglas
- The Bible and Evangelism, led by Marcus Halley
These classes are taught live - they begin September 12, from
8 to 9 p.m. Eastern Time. You can sign up now and you'll get an email
shortly before the class begins with instructions on how to participate.
These courses are free to subscribing ChurchNext congregations,
dioceses, and individuals who purchase a $9/mo ChurchNext subscription.