Friday, June 17, 2016

Spring LARCUM Service is now Christian Unity Service

On Sunday, June 26, at 7:00 p.m., Holy Apostles, Virginia Beach, will host the Christian Unity service featuring Biblical Storytelling. (This service was formerly known as the "Spring LARCUM" service.) The service will focus on Christian Unity through the lens of bible passages; how Holy Scripture demonstrates that unity is part of God's plan for the world.

The centerpiece of this service will be proclamation and illumination of God's word by local members of the Network of Biblical Storytellers. The Network is an international group, both lay and ordained, dedicated to telling Bible stories as authentically as possible. The goal of Network members is to recreate to the greatest extent possible what members of the early churches would have experienced and enjoyed as they heard the word of God. The two tellers at this service will be the Rev. Mark Wilkinson, rector of St. Aidan's, Virginia Beach, and Ellen Clements. As is the tradition at this service, a Question & Answer time will be offered so those attending can have a conversation with the Network presenters.
Church of the Holy Apostles is at 1593 Lynnhaven Parkway, ­Virginia Beach. For more information, please email, call 427-0963, or visit