The 2016 election in the United States
remains the top of the news in media outlets, and it is inevitably a
topic in personal conversations. To provide education about the
election as well as assisting in being prepared, The Episcopal Church
has developed an online toolkit
with a webpage that outlines how individual Episcopalians and
congregations can participate in the electoral process through a number
of nonpartisan activities.
Through the Episcopal Public Policy
Network (EPPN), information is also available on an important
initiative, the Episcopal Pledge to Vote. The EPPN is calling on all
Episcopalians to pledge that they will cast a vote in the general
election. You can make your pledge to vote and find the toolkit which
is designed to assist Episcopalians in being informed and engaged
voters on the EPPN election webpage.
Among the possible non-partisan activities
offered are: engaging young adults who are eligible to vote for the
first time; hosting a candidate forum; advocating for voting rights
legislation; and hosting Get Out The Vote campaigns.