- A bulletin insert on Earth Day, ideal for congregational use.
- Creation Justice Ministries, centering on Care for God's Creatures and includes ideas for hosting an Earth Day Sunday.
- Earth Day Sunday with information about biodiversity and faith through Creation Justice Ministry's #EarthDaySunday Resource
- Earth our Garden Home: Creation Care Lessons for Children and Wild Faith: A Creation Care Curriculum for Youth, a curricula ideal for summer and fall, developed by Cynthia Coe of the Diocese of East Tennessee, an Episcopal Church Mark V fellow, the curricula are ideal for Sunday school and teen discussion groups.
- Learn about Environmental issues and the Anglican Communion through a video from Episcopal News Service
- Receive information about The Episcopal Church's environmental advocacy efforts through the Episcopal Public Policy Network (EPPN)
For more information, contact Jayce Hafner, Episcopal Church Domestic Policy Analyst, at jhafner@episcopalchurch.org.