May 16-18 at Shrine Mont, Orkney Springs, VA
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The Virginia Lutheran-Episcopal Joint Committee is sponsoring a clergy conference led by Gordon Lathrop and Neil Alexander for clergy and rostered leaders of Lutheran and Episcopal churches. "In the Breaking of the Bread: Finding Christ in Full Communion" will be an opportunity to:
- speak with national ecumenical representatives from both churches and with bishops and deployment officers from the Dioceses of Virginia, Southern Virginia, and Southwestern Virginia (ECUSA) as well as with bishops and synod staff of the Virginia Synod and the Metro DC Synod (ELCA);
- gain a renewed ability and confidence to preside at a full communion partner's table and evening liturgies;
- hear from renowned liturgical scholars Gordon Lathrop and Neil Alexander; and
- foster deep reflections rooted in the full communion relationship between the Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.