Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Call to Action: Healthcare as a Moral Imperative

Today, nearly 400,000 Virginians all across the across the Commonwealth are unable to access affordable health insurance, while their neighbors across the border in Kentucky, Maryland, West Virginia and Washington, DC can.

Virginia Wesleyan College invites you to join them for A Call to Action: Healthcare as Moral Imperative on October 8 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in the Blocker Hall auditorium on the VWC campus. The event include screening of a film about the work of Remote Area Medical, an organization that provides medical and dental care in Appalachia and other underserved communities, followed by stories from local residents impacted by the health insurance coverage gap. A panel discussion with representatives from the Catholic, Jewish, Muslim & Protestant faith traditions, and an opportunity for questions and a call to action, will conclude the evening. Our panel will articulate how each faith tradition makes healthcare access a moral imperative. We will end with a Call to Action, inviting you to act on behalf of your neighbors throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia who are currently unable to access adequate healthcare.

This event is free. Click here to register.