As part of our
liturgy at Annual Council 2015, each delegation wrote a prayer for their
parish. We are sharing these prayers each week in the eNews so that we
all can support one another in the upcoming year.
St. Andrew's, Newport News
Almighty God, we
ask for your steadfast guidance as St. Andrew's church seeks a new
rector. Give us discerning hearts and open minds. Inspire us to carry
out our mission knowing that we are supported by prayer and love. Unite
us as a parish during our journey together and encourage every voice to
be heard in this time of transition. lead us to that person who is
called to minister to our church and day school as we go forward to
spread the word of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
St. Luke's, Powhatan
Loving God, you call us to spread your kingdom through praying,
serving, healing and teaching, send you Holy Spirit to fill us now that
we might be your healing hands and feet, drawing all people to a saving
knowledge and love of you, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and
reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.