As part of our
liturgy at Annual Council 2015, each delegation wrote a prayer for their
parish. We are sharing these prayers each week in the eNews so that we
all can support one another in the upcoming year.
St. Paul's, Petersburg
O Gracious Father,
who so lavishly welcomed the prodigal son: Increase in us the gifts of
hospitality, that we may become ever more responsive to the stranger in
our midst, to those who have found a spiritual home amongst us, and to
all those whom you love; through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Bruton Parish, Williamsburg
Loving and Eternal
God, you have granted this parish the privilege of a continual presence
to glorify you in our structure for three hundred years. As we honor
this milestone, open our hearts to the future needs of our community and
beyond, that we might be faithful witnesses to the truth of your Gospel
and practitioners of our faith, for your glory; through Jesus Christ
our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God,
for ever and ever. Amen.