Tuesday, March 3, 2015

ECW Annual Spring Meeting at Glebe Church May 16

Take a step back in time May 16. The ECW Annual Spring Meeting will be held at historic Glebe Church, Suffolk. All women are encouraged to attend this meeting to learn about the ECW's 2015-16 outreach project. Your vote is important. The Rev. Ross Keener, Glebe rector, will officiate at Eucharist.  

Glebe Church is 277 years old this year. In 1775, the frame church called glebe built around 1640, was the site of the first open defiance to the British Crown on the south side of the James River. In "ruinous repair" by 1737, a new church known as Bennett's Creek Church, was completed the next year. The Suffolk parish existed until it was dissolved in 1998 by the Council of the Diocese of Southern Virginia and The Glebe Church, Bennett's Creek Parish was formed. A parish hall dedicated to Rev. Keener was built in 2003.  

Contact Louise Boss, corresponding secretary, to register for the meeting, 757-678-5331 or louiseboss@exede.net, by May 9. The registration fee TBA includes lunch.