These are some of the EfM groups in our diocese that are seeking new members:
- Emmanuel, Hampton - Two groups are forming and will begin meeting on Sep. 15. Both seminars meet on Mondays, one from 9:30am to noon and the other from 7 to 9:30pm. For information call Mentor Boyd Duncan, 757-850-1520 or the church office, 757-732-8144.
- Hickory Neck, Toano - Classes begin Wednesday, September 17, at 7 p.m. An informational meeting will be held Wednesday, August 27, at 7 p.m. Contact EfM Mentor Pete Haines for more information, 757-869-3107 or petehaines848@gmail.com.
- St. Aidan's, Virginia Beach - Openings in Thursday evening EfM group. Call 757-340-6459 for more information.
- Convocation 1 (Eastern Shore) - Contact the Rev. Berkley Ford for more information about EfM groups on the Eastern Shore, captberk@cox.net or 757-787-8335.
- Grace, Yorktown - Please contact John Hoppe (757-229-5113), Janet Stephens (757-898-5079), or call the office at Grace Church (757-898-3261).
- Johns Memorial, Farmville, is actively seeking EfM participants. For more information contact Cleo Shield, EfM mentor at Johns Memorial, cleoshield@me.com or JMC@kinex.net.
If you are the
mentor of an EfM group seeking new participants and would like to have
your information included in the eNews, please contact Diocesan
Communications Officer Ann Turner, aturner@diosova.org.