Tri-Diocesan Council on Aging will offer its annual Fall Camp on October
27-30 at Shrine Mont in Orkney Springs, VA. This year's keynote speaker
will be Terry Hershey, an inspirational speaker, humorist, author,
organizational consultant. He divides his time between designing
sanctuary gardens and sharing his practice of "pausing" and "sanctuary,"
to help us do less and live more. Terry's book, The Power of Pause,
offers the permission to slow down and to be gentle with ourselves, in
a world that demands More-Bigger-Faster. This year's chaplain is The
Rt. Rev. Martin Townsend, retired Bishop of the Diocese of Easton, MD
where he served for nine years. Returning again this year will be Ed
Kilbourne, singer, story teller and folk theologian. Click here for more information and registration.
Monday, August 25, 2014
National Acolyte Festival in DC Oct. 11
Acolytes from
across the United States fill the Cathedral's nave for a morning
service of rededication and Holy Eucharist. Participants attend
workshops in the afternoon. The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori,
presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, presides. Participants will
- Meeting acolytes and worship leaders from across the nation
- Combining processional crosses, banners, torches, thuribles, flags, and streamers for a festive procession of acolytes, clergy, and vergers
- Liturgical dance group participation
- Lunch together and a variety of workshops
Click here for details and registration.
Prison ministry gets a new name

Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Eastern Shore Chapel, Virginia Beach, celebrates 1689 founding
By Donna Hudgins, Eastern Shore Chapel, Virginia Beach
Friday, September 12, 7pm, Eastern Shore Chapel Episcopal Church in Virginia Beach will open its 325th anniversary celebration weekend with Under Five Prayer Books and Four Flags. The original music/dramatic readings performance recognizes the centuries and forces of history through which the church survived from Colonial times to the present: Revolution, Wars, Civil Rights, Women’s Ordination, and Societal Shifts. The program features well-known historic readings and music performed by choir, clergy, parishioners and guests. The performance will be held in the church, 2020 Laskin Road. Saturday, September 13, 11:30-3pm, the church will rejoice with families on the church lawn: featuring live music, BBQ, oysters from the Lynnhaven River, local rockfish, and games for the entire family. Sunday, September 14, 10:15am, the church will conclude its celebration with a worship service of thanksgiving and prayers highlighting historic prayer books and American sacred music. All events are free and open to the public.
Friday, September 12, 7pm, Eastern Shore Chapel Episcopal Church in Virginia Beach will open its 325th anniversary celebration weekend with Under Five Prayer Books and Four Flags. The original music/dramatic readings performance recognizes the centuries and forces of history through which the church survived from Colonial times to the present: Revolution, Wars, Civil Rights, Women’s Ordination, and Societal Shifts. The program features well-known historic readings and music performed by choir, clergy, parishioners and guests. The performance will be held in the church, 2020 Laskin Road. Saturday, September 13, 11:30-3pm, the church will rejoice with families on the church lawn: featuring live music, BBQ, oysters from the Lynnhaven River, local rockfish, and games for the entire family. Sunday, September 14, 10:15am, the church will conclude its celebration with a worship service of thanksgiving and prayers highlighting historic prayer books and American sacred music. All events are free and open to the public.
Rector Reverend Thomas Deppe, “ We have this singular opportunity
to celebrate the vibrancy, dedication and community outreach ministries
of generations of parishioners who kept this church alive through
revolutions, separation from the Church of England, wars, social justice
changes, and the destruction and moving of worship spaces. Through it
all, they continued to worship and serve our community."
church is interlaced in the story of Colonial Virginia and the City of
Virginia Beach, tracing its founding to Adam Thoroughgood and the
Anglican services he held on his land grant plantation. While the church
is believed to date back to the 1660s, it is first mentioned in public
records in 1689. The first Chapel was built as a "Chapell of Ease" on the
eastern shore of the Lynnhaven River to more easily allow rural
colonial parishioners to reach the chapel by water to attend services.
colonial structures and a fourth 20th century chapel built in the 1950s
have served the churches growing congregations continuously with
worship services for over three centuries. The design of the first
chapel is lost in history; the second chapel (circa 1730-1754) and the
third chapel (circa 1754-1952) were built on what was then the Salisbury
Plains plantation of Joel Cornick and is now N.A.S. Oceana. In the
1950s with the expansion of the runways at Oceana, the 200- year old
third chapel was dismantled and in 1954 a new chapel incorporating
elements from the earlier chapels was built at its present Laskin Road
location. The current location is less than a mile from the original
17th century Chapel of Ease.
Shore Chapel is often recognized in Virginia Beach for its expansive
Food Pantry, its prison ministry, its Parish Day School and as the
church of the 1,000 flags which are planted on the front lawn each
Memorial Day to honor fallen military.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Nominating committee issues call, profile for the 27th Presiding Bishop
now and September 30, any member of The Episcopal Church may submit a
name of a bishop to JNCPB whom they believe should be considered for
nomination through the email listed in the Call for Discernment and
Profile. JNCPB will inform bishops whose names have been presented and
advise them that if they wish to engage the discernment process, they
must submit their materials as specified in the Call for Discernment
and Profile between October 1 and October 31. The JNCPB will announce
its nominees in early May 2015.
The election will take place during the 78th meeting of General Convention June 25-July 3, 2015 in Salt Lake City.
Jackson-Feild receives grant from the Altria Companies Employee Community Foundation

In years past, JFH
residents participated in recreational activities offered off campus
and in the community. Due to the very specialized needs of the children
in its care, JFH has developed on-campus programs and activities in
order to provide the children with every opportunity to express
themselves in creative and positive ways.
ACECF was founded
in 2000 so that its employees could have an active role in helping their
local communities. ACECF is a workplace-giving program administered and
managed by Altria employees. An employee committee selects the
recipients from submitted proposals. Altria Group makes an annual
contribution and pays the administrative costs. Since its inception,
ACECF has made 1,452 grants totaling $40 million dollars.
Jackson-Feild has
been the recipient of four prior ACECF grants beginning in 2002. The
funds received from this year's ACECF grant are crucial in providing
art, dance and music therapy opportunities for JFH residents.
Digital Media for Ministry boot camp at VTS
Are you looking to improve your knowledge and skills in online outreach and digital faith resources? If so, get ready for a day of inspirational success stories and hands-on training September 19 at Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, Va. Boot camp will include: big-picture plenary sessions on faith and
technology; workshops on church websites, church and personal social
media, and online faith resources; and clinic time with experienced
technology coaches. Click here for more details.
This event is intended for beginner and intermediate technology users with a passion for ministry. Please bring a laptop and/or tablet to participate fully and learn by doing in a supportive environment. Fee is $60 and includes all sessions, refreshments, and lunch. Register online at Please contact with any questions.
This event is intended for beginner and intermediate technology users with a passion for ministry. Please bring a laptop and/or tablet to participate fully and learn by doing in a supportive environment. Fee is $60 and includes all sessions, refreshments, and lunch. Register online at Please contact with any questions.
Open Doors Latino Ministry Conference
Puertas Abiertas: Open Doors Latino Ministry Conference will be held Sept. 20-21 in Baltimore, Md. Puertas Abiertas (open doors) welcome our neighbors. This
Latino/Hispanic Ministry Conference discusses the unique cultural and
spiritual relationship in a mixed culture community. The Rev. Sarabeth
Goodwin, Latino missioner for St. Stephen and the Incarnation,
Washington, DC., which shares the building with an Anglo congregation,
is the keynoter. Attend one or both days. Click here for more information and registration.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Diaconal Ordination Exploration Program now accepting applications
The Diaconal Ordination Exploration Program is accepting
applications September 1 through December 31, 2014. Applicants will
interview with the Commission on Ministry for postulancy in the fall of
2015. Those granted postulancy will receive formation and training in
The Deacons' School. The school is a joint effort of the Episcopal
Dioceses of Southern Virginia and Virginia. We expect the instructional
phase to begin in the Spring of 2016. During the two year
course, classes will meet one weekend per quarter with assignments in
between. Visit The Deacons' School website for more information,
Save the date! Clergy Conference Nov. 11-12
Clergy Conference 2014 will be November 11-12 (Check-in
begins at 9:30 am on Tuesday. Depart by 3:00 pm on Wednesday) with an
optional quiet day on November 10.
Keynote speaker will be The Rev. Canon Matthew Stockard. Matthew Stockard has served as Canon to the Ordinary of the Diocese of East Carolina since 2000. He has worked extensively during this time in the area of ministry development and vocation with several Episcopal Church boards and agencies. He is a member of the vocational faculty for CREDO Conferences. A selection of Matthew's writings for CREDO can be found here.
Keynote speaker will be The Rev. Canon Matthew Stockard. Matthew Stockard has served as Canon to the Ordinary of the Diocese of East Carolina since 2000. He has worked extensively during this time in the area of ministry development and vocation with several Episcopal Church boards and agencies. He is a member of the vocational faculty for CREDO Conferences. A selection of Matthew's writings for CREDO can be found here.
Watch the eNews and
website for more details. Online registration is coming soon, but mark
your calendar now and plan to join us!
New online courses at ChurchNext

Introducing Christian Stewardship with Kristine Miller - take this one together as a church council and/or stewardship team, this is an excellent course
Monday, August 4, 2014
Grant funds for churches over 100 years old
The Helen S. and Charles
G Patterson, Jr. Charitable Trust Foundation was established to, among
other things, to "Provide financial support for the restoration,
preservation, conservation and renovations of one or more Episcopal
Churches in Virginia that are more than one hundred years old." Grant
applications are received between Jan. 1 and April 1 each year. More
information and the grant application can be found on the diocesan
website on the Scholarships and Grants page.
Education for Ministry (EfM) groups forming

These are some of the EfM groups in our diocese that are seeking new members:
- Emmanuel, Hampton - Two groups are forming and will begin meeting on Sep. 15. Both seminars meet on Mondays, one from 9:30am to noon and the other from 7 to 9:30pm. For information call Mentor Boyd Duncan, 757-850-1520 or the church office, 757-732-8144.
- Hickory Neck, Toano - Classes begin Wednesday, September 17, at 7 p.m. An informational meeting will be held Wednesday, August 27, at 7 p.m. Contact EfM Mentor Pete Haines for more information, 757-869-3107 or
- St. Aidan's, Virginia Beach - Openings in Thursday evening EfM group. Call 757-340-6459 for more information.
- Convocation 1 (Eastern Shore) - Contact the Rev. Berkley Ford for more information about EfM groups on the Eastern Shore, or 757-787-8335.
- Grace, Yorktown - Please contact John Hoppe (757-229-5113), Janet Stephens (757-898-5079), or call the office at Grace Church (757-898-3261).
- Johns Memorial, Farmville, is actively seeking EfM participants. For more information contact Cleo Shield, EfM mentor at Johns Memorial, or
If you are the
mentor of an EfM group seeking new participants and would like to have
your information included in the eNews, please contact Diocesan
Communications Officer Ann Turner,
State LARCUM Conference in Norfolk, Dec 5-6

- Americans remain deeply religious yet are rejecting organized religion in increasing numbers while they retain deep interest in spirituality. What is really happening? Is this a lasting trend that will radically alter the religious landscape?
- If the older Christendom model of church is passing away how should we respond if we believe that we still have a mission in America? Where is the missional moment bearing fruit and how?
- The next generation wants to belong to community before they can believe anything that is taught. How will this impact our mission and what does ecumenism have to do with this important change in religious behavior?
Clergy Transitions
The Rev. Sarah Brockenbrough began as Associate Rector at Bruton Parish, Williamsburg, 8/1/2014
The Rev. James Medley,
Associate Rector at Eastern Shore Chapel, Virginia Beach, will begin as
Rector Time Certain at Good Shepherd, Norfolk, 8/18/2014
The Rev. Bob New will retire as Rector of St. James', Cartersville, 10/1/2014
TREC plans churchwide meeting on October 2
Live webcast; in-person attendance also encouraged
As directed in its
enabling resolution C095 approved by the 77th General Convention in
2012, the Task Force to Reimagine the Episcopal Church (TREC)
will convene a churchwide meeting on October 2 at 7:30 pm Eastern time
(6:30 pm Central/5:30 pm Mountain/4:30 pm Pacific/3:30 pm Alaska/1:30 pm
Hawaii). The purpose of the meeting is "to receive responses to the
proposed recommendations to be brought forward to the 78th General
The meeting will be webcast live from Washington National Cathedral.
Although the meeting will be open to the entire church, TREC encourages
attendance from each diocese: a bishop, a lay deputy, a clerical
deputy, and one person under the age of 35. There is no fee to attend
in-person or to watch the live webcast. However, registration for in-person attendance is requested; register here. Registration is not required but is encouraged for viewing the webcast.
The planned format
will be short concise presentations followed by substantive question
and comment periods. Questions, concerns and comments will be taken from
the live audience in addition to email and twitter. Questions can be
emailed to or on Twitter @ReimagineTEC.
TREC plans to draw
from the comments, concerns and questions raised during this event to
influence and fine-tune proposals currently under consideration during
its final meeting immediately following the churchwide gathering on
October 3 and 4. TREC's final report to General Convention is due by
November 30 for the 78th General Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah in
July 2015.
For more info, questions or comments, contact TREC members at
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