Happening Reunion at Chanco on July 26
Come celebrate Happening at Chanco this summer! The Happening Team
is hosting a day of festivities for alumni on July 26 that you won't
want to miss. Options throughout the day will include zips and ropes,
music and praise, social time, picnics and cookouts. We'll also have a
service project going on in the morning for those who want to help out
around the grounds at our beloved Chanco. Fun starts at 9 a.m. and
continues til 7 p.m. $25.00 is all it costs to register, spend the day,
and have lunch and dinner with us. For those over 21 who would like to
stay overnight and camp out at the Manor House, we'll also provide
breakfast in the morning for only an additional $15. Good friends, good
food, good times, good place, good price - what else can you ask for?