Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Executive Board approves gift to Mission and Diversity Transept in VTS Immanuel Chapel

At its May 1 meeting, the Executive Board approved a gift of $10,000 over three years to Virginia Theological Seminary honoring the Mission and Diversity Transept of the new Immanuel Chapel. The transept will honor Bishop John T. Walker, the first African-American student to be admitted to VTS and the first African-American bishop of Washington. Walker also served as Dean of the National Cathedral.

The new Immanuel Chapel will be a "Chapel for the Ages" and is scheduled for completion in October 2015. It is part of a "Worship and Welcome" quad, which includes an improved welcome center. The remains of the 1881 Chapel, which was destroyed by fire in 2010, have been converted into a garden.    

Included in the design of the new chapel are four transepts: a transept honoring congregational and diocesan leadership; a transept celebrating arrival and baptism; a transept near the organ in honor of music; and a transept honoring the seminary's commitment to mission and diversity. The Mission and Diversity Transept will recall VTS history, celebrate the present, and point to a rich future of mission and diversity honoring Bishop Walker and all who have led the way.