Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Susan Broaddus to speak at ECW Fall Meeting

The ECW of the Diocese Southern Virginia voted to raise $10,000 in 2013-2014 to support the work Mothers' Union in the Diocese of Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo, through Women-to-Women, a ministry formed by the Diocese of Virginia in 2010. Susan Broaddus, a former mission partner in the Diocese of Bukavu will speak about Women-to-Women and report on her visit with the Mothers' Union in the city of Bukavu, Congo at the ECW Fall Annual Meeting at Bruton Parish, Williamsburg, October 19. The deadline to register for the meeting is Oct. 13.  Please call or email Louise Boss, 757-678-5331, lrboss@isp.com. Click here for more information and a registration form.