"Hungry, And You Fed Me: Homilies and Reflections for Cycle C"
is a brand new book edited by Deacon Jim Knipper, and includes homilies
and reflections from some of today's finest homilists, including
Richard Rohr and James Martin. This includes work by the Rev. Penny
Nash, Associate Rector for Youth, Children & Families at Bruton
Parish, Williamsburg.
"A year ago I launched this project, leading me to eventually reach
out to a dozen men and women who are some of the best of the best when
it comes to breaking open the Word of God," said Jim Knipper, the
book's editor. "My goal was to compile and edit a book that would feed
the heart and souls of the readers and act as a vehicle to raise money
to feed the hungry and homeless. My hope and prayer is that this book
does both."
As Homilists for the Homeless, the book's writers and preachers have generously donated their material so that proceeds from the book
can be given to the four charities selected for this volume. This first
of three books begins with Cycle C of the Lectionary for Mass, which
starts the First Sunday of Advent 2012 (and every three years
The book is available at the Bruton Parish Shop and
online here. You can also follow Homilists for the Homeless on