Tuesday, September 18, 2012

October is UTO Ingathering month

By Rosalyn Neal, Diocesan UTO Coordinator 
Thanks to all who were able to send in the Spring Ingathering Collections in a timely fashion. Parishes responded generously despite the fact that confusion may have occurred during the change of coordinators this year. Regretfully, I must resign this post after such a brief period because of personal, family and health concerns. I will continue to work with the Diocese in this position until mid-November.

October has been designated as UTO Ingathering Month for the Fall. To this end, I am asking that you work as hard as always, and send your Fall collections to me through the month of November. Checks should be made out to United Thank Offering. Mail collections to: Rosalyn Neal, 4661 Truman Lane, Virginia Beach, VA 23455. For more information please contact me at 757-363-0516 or rmneal@verizon.net.