Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Leading A Holy Life Task Force Convenes

In his address at the 2011 Annual Council, Bishop Hollerith spoke of the need for conversation to occur around questions of human sexuality that will come before next summer's General Convention. The Bishop spoke of our need in the Diocese of Southern Virginia to prepare for that moment thoughtfully and in fellowship with one another.

To that end, the Bishop has called together a task force called Leading a Holy Life: Human Sexuality & Blessing of Relationships, and appointed each of us to serve on it. We have met twice and divided into three working groups to have more focused discernment around the following areas:

  •      Biblical & Theological Questions
  •      Diocesan/Communal Relationship Questions
  •      Personal/Individual/Pastoral Questions
We are a diverse group of lay and ordained persons whose stories and perspectives closely match the wide spectrum of our diocese. We see ourselves called to service by the Bishop for the health and welfare of us all. We look forward to our task, to God's leading, and to open communication with every member of the diocese as our work progresses.

Canon Caroline Black
The Rev. Kathleen Bobbitt
The Rev. Richard Bridgford, Co-Chair
Mike Diaz
Juli Edwards
The Very Rev. Keith Emerson, Co-Chair
The Rev. Drew Foisie
Bill Hunter
The Rev. Maria Kane
The Rev. James Medley
Cornelia Taylor
Ann Turner
Jeff Vogel
The Rev. Rhonda Wheeler