Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Southern Virginia to host Gathering 2016 of the Recovery Ministries of the Episcopal Church

Southern Virginia is pleased to be hosting the 2016 Gathering of the Recovery Ministries of the Episcopal Church. Gathering 2016 will take place Nov. 3-5, 2016 at Bruton Parish, Williamsburg. This year's theme is "Called to Transformation: The Church's Response to Addiction in the 21st Century". Keynote speaker will be Kevin McCauley. Event includes an optional half day seminar by Tom Ryan, author of Ashamed No More. Click here for complete information and registration.  

GraceInside prison ministry

If you're looking for a way to answer Christ's call to visit those in prison, be sure to check out GraceInside, www.graceinside.org. For nearly a century this unique ministry has changed the lives of thousands of offenders throughout Virginia.

By distributing Bibles, conducting worship services, providing counseling and coordinating volunteer programs, GraceInside's chaplains are like lighthouses beckoning toward a new port for the 30,000 currently incarcerated in Virginia's state prison system. Prisons can be treacherous seas, but they can also be transformative ones.

Virginia is unique in that chaplains are not state employees. Chaplains are privately funded by caring individuals, churches, denominations, foundations and businesses. GraceInside's mission is to provide full-time chaplains in all of Virginia's state adult and juvenile prison facilities.

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry statement in support of the people of Standing Rock Sioux Reservation

Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry has issued a statement in support of the advocacy of the people of Standing Rock Sioux Reservation.
"Water is a gift from the creator, respect it, and protect it."  I was deeply moved by these words printed on the sign of a person standing with hundreds of others to protect the Missouri River.  In the Episcopal Church, when we baptize a new follower of Jesus Christ, we pray these words over the water of baptism.  "We thank you, Almighty God, for the gift of water." We then recall how God used water to bless his people in the Bible, from the story of creation in Genesis, the emancipation of Hebrew slaves in Exodus, to the baptism of the Lord Jesus in the River Jordan.  Indeed, "Water is a gift from the creator." To sustain it and to protect it is to "safeguard the integrity of God's creation," and therefore to protect human and other forms of life created by Almighty God.  That work warrants our full and prayerful support. Click here to continue reading

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Upcoming Safe Church training

There are two upcoming Safe Church classroom trainings:

Mission of the Holy Spirit online fundraiser

Mission of the Holy Spirit, Norfolk, invites you to support them by doing something you already do - shopping online. The Mission's online fundraiser with Mixed Bag Designs runs now through Dec. 31. Shop for Christmas gifts, birthday gifts and for yourself! The online shop offers gifts, tote bags, accessories, gift wrap, housewares and more. Prices start at less than $10, orders over $75 ship free!

Go to www.mixedbagdesigns.com/?fundraiserid=587652. Make sure our ID# 587652 is at the top of the website before shopping.

Please share with family and friends!  Click here for a flyer you can post at your church or office. Thank you for your support!

Leadership Program for Musicians Fall Workshop

The Richmond chapter of the Leadership Program for Musicians (LPM) is pleased to announce what promises to be an amazing fall workshop, led by St. James Music Press president and editor Mark Schweizer.
The workshop will take place on Saturday, October 8 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Epiphany Lutheran Church in Richmond, VA. Participants will read through music from St. James Press and have a chance to glean some church music wisdom from Mark's considerable experience. Snacks and beverages are included.
The cost is $45 per person, and the deadline to register is October 1. To register use the PayPal button on the LPM website: www.lpm-va.org and email your name, address, phone number, and church name to lpmvacoordinator@gmail.com. Click here for a brochure and registration form. 
Don't let this pass! Make the most of this opportunity to meet Mark Schweizer, discover new music, and support your local LPM chapter.

Free class on politics and faith with Parker Palmer

Registration is now open for the latest free ChurchNext course: Bridging the Political Divide with Parker Palmer which can be taken anytime between September 5-19.

As we know, we are in the midst of what may be the most polarizing and contentious elections in recent U.S. history. Many observers note that the political rancor and rhetoric has reached all time highs, injecting unprecedented fear, division, and unease into our culture. How do we make sense of this? How do people of faith respond? How do we remain calm and centered amidst our difference and tension, taking our roles as peacemakers and even prophets, seriously? Educator, author, and activist Parker Palmer has written extensively on faith and democracy issues. In this course, he offers thoughtful insight into how we might approach divisive political issues with grace and grit.

Register for free by clicking here or go to churchnext.tv, click on the Menu select The Big Class.Once registered, the course can be taken for free from September 5-19. It will take an average student 45 minutes to complete. No special software is required. Want to take this class with your congregation or small group? Here are some support materials.

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry offers video election message - voting is "a Christian obligation"

"Voting and participation in our government is a way of participating in our common life," Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry said in a video election message.  "And that is a Christian obligation.  Indeed, we who follow in the Way of Jesus of Nazareth are summoned to participate actively as reflections of our faith in the civil process."
The Presiding Bishop's video election message is here. Closed-captioning is available in English and Spanish. Click here to read the text of his message.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

New lunch group and email listserv for parish secretaries and communicators

Diocesan staff have been hosting monthly lunch groups and an email listserv for church staff and volunteers involved in parish administration. Over time this group has focused more and more on financial issues, becoming less useful to parish secretaries and communicators.
For that reason we're exploring the possibility of an additional lunch group and email listserv that will focus on secretarial and communication issues.

The monthly brown bag lunch gatherings are very casual. There's no agenda, just come with whatever questions you have, or just to socialize. It's a great way to connect with and learn from colleagues and share frustrations with folks who understand. The listserv offers easy email access to a peer group to share resources or get answers to questions.  

If you are a church staff person or volunteer involved in these areas, we want to hear from you. Contact Communications Officer Ann Turner if either of these opportunities would be of interest to you, aturner@diosova.org or 757-213-3388. 

Mark your calendar for 2016-2017 Youth Events

Mark you calendar now and plan to participate in the 2016-2017 diocesan youth events. More info and registration coming soon to www.diosova.org/youth.
  • October Weekend (grades 8-12) - October 7-9, 2016 at Chanco on the James.
  • Pre-Happening Staff Weekend - October 29-30, 2016 at Chanco on the James.
  • Happening #65 (grades 10-12) - November 11-13, 2016 at Chanco on the James.
  • November Weekend (grades 6-9) - November 18-20, 2016 at Chanco on the James.
  • Winter Camp at Chanco - January 13-15, 2017 at Chanco on the James.
  • Annual Council - February 9-11, 2017. Be a part of the official Youth Delegation to Council.
  • Pre-Happening Staff Weekend - February 25-26, 2017 at Chanco on the James.
  • Happening #66 - March 10-12, 2017 at Chanco on the James.
  • May Weekend (grades 6-12) - May 19-21, 2017 at Chanco on the James.
  • Episcopal Youth Event (EYE17) - July 10-24, 2017 on the campus of University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK.

How you can help flood victims in Louisiana

Extreme weather has caused catastrophic flooding in the south, especially in Louisiana. Residents were caught off guard by the severity and speed of the weather. The extent of the flooding and damage is still being assessed. The Diocese of Louisiana is coordinating relief efforts through Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD), as well as communicating with the parishes to match need with relief assistance. The Diocese has assurance of immediate short-term funding from ERD for $20,000. This will be a significant help to meet the needs of some of the most vulnerable victims.

The Diocese of Louisiana has complied a list of the best ways you can help with relief efforts. No donation is too small and all donations will have a positive impact on those will be facing the difficult task of rebuilding their lives.
Episcopal Relief and Development US Disaster Relief Fund
The Diocese will soon receive an emergency assistance grant from Episcopal Relief and Development so our churches in the flood area can assist the most vulnerable people in their communities. Please consider making a donation to support this important work. Click here to donate
Bishop's Discretionary Fund
The Bishop's office is accepting donations (cash only) to assist flood victims. Please make your checks payable to The Bishop's Professional Fund earmarked 2016 Flood Relief. You can send them to: Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana, 1623 Seventh St., New Orleans, LA 70115

More ways to help
You can assist people in shelters is by making a donation to any of the following:

Monday, August 15, 2016

Social Media Sunday is Sept. 25

"Christ has no online presence but yours, no blog, no Facebook page but yours."
September 25, 2016, is Social Media Sunday - a day to encourage people of faith to share the gospel and be the church online. It's a day to help people get beyond their fear of using digital media and understand that these are just tools that we can use to do what we are already doing: inviting others, showing care and concern for people, telling friends about our church and showing them Jesus. Social media, when done right, is really about relationships, not technology. Click here to learn more

An invitation to Cursillo

By Ronda Toll, Christ the King, Tabb
Cursillo is a Spanish word meaning "short course"; the topic of this course is Christianity. During a Cursillo, you are introduced to a
method that emphasizes the importance of a balanced life of piety, continued spiritual study, and action. You will encounter Christ on a journey that begins with a three-day weekend.
The Cursillo weekend begins on Thursday with a retreat, allowing everyone to slow down and begin to listen to what God may be trying to say. The next three days are filled with worship, singing, and short talks. There is a clergy team on each weekend to provide sacramental ministry and teaching. After each talk, there is time for discussion, reflection, and to enjoy the beauty of Camp Chanco. The food is legendary and the experience of Christian community and love will touch your heart in a meaningful way.
A Cursillo weekend invites us to dive deeper into the well of our faith and personally connect with God's unlimited love.  Once the weekend is over, Cursillo is an invitation to a pilgrimage which is lived every day for the rest of our lives - in every place that God chooses to plant us. The Cursillo method enables you to:
  • Expand your prayer life.
  • Spiritually grow through an ongoing formation process that increases your knowledge about God's Word and your faith.
  • Form a closer relationship with our King and Savior, Jesus Christ.
  • Spread God's Word in a natural way to the people you interact with in the very environments in which you live.
Cursillo is for anyone (including clergy) who wants to go deeper into their spiritual life through teaching and the personal experience of both Christian community and the Holy Spirit. It is ideal as preparation for leadership and lay ministry.
Consider this an invitation should you feel the Holy Spirit calling you to begin the Cursillo Journey. The next Cursillo weekend in Southern Virginia is October 13-16 at Chanco on the James.
Please contact Ronda Toll, rtoll@cox.net or 757-869-8873, to learn more about this amazing experience.www.cursillodiosova.org

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Online diocesan resources you should check out

Southern Virginia has a few online resources - communities, really - that can be a terrific support for your church leadership:

Diosova Admin email listserv - This is an email listserv for parish treasurers and administrators. You can share ideas, ask questions and join in conversations relating to the financial and administrative work that you do for your parish. To learn more or to be added to the listserv, contact Comptroller Nancy James, njames@diosova.org.

Diosova Communicators Facebook group - This is a private Facebook group where folks involved in church communications can ask questions and share resources. Diocesan Communications Officer Ann Turner moderates the group and posts helpful articles and resources there. Since this is a private group, only group members see your posts.

Formation in Southern Virginia Facebook group - This is a public Facebook group for folks involved in Christian formation. It's especially helpful if you aren't able to attend CE-Net meetings. This is a way you can reach out to your peers with questions and get excellent resource recommendations from the diocesan Canon for Formation Caroline Black.

IMPORTANT! To make sure you don't miss any posts from your Facebook groups, be sure to click the "Notifications" button near the top right of the group page and select "All Posts". This way, when you visit your Facebook page, you'll see the posts listed in your notifications.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Advisory Council on Stewardship of Creation offers report

The Advisory Council on the Stewardship of Creation met in New York City July 20-22 to discern the Church's ongoing response to environmental issues.  The Advisory Council members were appointed by the presiding officers as called for by Resolution A030 adopted at the 78th General Convention. Click here to read the report.  

UBE Sunday is September 4

Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE) Sunday is September 4. The UBE invites all Episcopalians, regardless of race, to join them in their mission of fighting racism and encouraging the involvement of Black people in the total life of the church. Congregations are invited to take a special offering for UBE on Sept. 4.

The James Solomon Russell chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE) meets on the second Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m. at Grace, Norfolk (1400 E. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk). All Episcopalians in the Diocese of Southern Virginia are invited and encouraged to join the UBE and become members of this diverse and concerned group. Annual dues are $70 for individuals, $60 for retired, and $105 four couples. For more information contact David Flores, drf71137@gmail.com.

Clergy transitions

The Rev. Dick Budd began as interim rector at Christ the King, Tabb, on August 7, 2016. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

DC Rally4Refugees on August 28

The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations is encouraging Episcopalians to participate in the DC Rally4Refugees on Sunday, August 28, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. In the midst of the greatest refugee crisis since WWII, volunteers and advocates from across the country will gather at the outdoor Sylvan Theater at the Washington Monument on the National Mall in Washington, DC (rain or shine). The rally will raise awareness about the magnitude of the global refugee crisis, encourage advocacy and U.S. action to alleviate suffering through relief efforts and support, and stand in solidarity with refugees and displaced people worldwide. To learn more the rally, watch refugee stories, find resources and ways you can help, even if you can't attend the rally, go to www.dcrally4refugees.org and visit the Facebook page

News from Chanco on the James

Family Camp - the affordable family vacation 

Have you been working hard all summer and trying to figure out an affordable family vacation? Or was your vacation early in the summer and you are wishing for one last family hurrah before school is back in session? We have the answer for you! FAMILY CAMP! This session is being held August 18-21 and offers campers of all ages a chance to enjoy Camp Chanco together. It includes many of the favorite traditional camper activities including zip lining, rock wall climbing, boating, swimming and bonfires. Relax by the pool or river with a book or be active all day - you choose how to spend your day! Choose to stay in chalets or pay a bit more and stay in our motel lodges. This session is the perfect opportunity to introduce a new camper to Chanco before attending a full session next summer or a great way to reunite with camp friends. It is an incredible, affordable family vacation! For more information or easy on line registration visit www.chanco.org.  Questions? Contact us at 888-7CHANCO (888-724-2626) or hospitality@chanco.org. We look forward to welcoming your family this summer!

YASC Mission to Tanzania: Good to be back!

By Andy Russell, Bruton Parish, Williamsburg

Andy Russell, a member of Bruton Parish, Williamsburg, just completed a year in Tanzania as part of the Episcopal Church's Young Adult Service Corps. You can read his mission blog here.
If you ever have the chance to visit Tanzania, probably one of the first Swahili word
s you will hear is karibu (care-ri-boo). The word means "welcome" and you literally hear it everywhere: when you enter someone's house, when they offer you food or a seat, when you arrive in a new place, when you give thanks to someone for something.

The use and meaning of karibu in Swahili, especially in Tanzania, is one of tho
se instances where the language reflects the culture of the people who speak it. In other words, the widespread use of karibu in Swahili is  a reflection of the extreme hospitality with which Tanzanians treat visitors (and one another). You cannot help but feel welcomed in Tanzania; I certainly could not help feeling welcomed in Tanzania. Now I would like to extend a welcome to you!

On Sunday, August 7, from 3 to 4pm in the Bruton parish hall, I will be giving a small presentation (including time for questions and answers) on my time in Tanzania. I want to share the excitement, the struggles, the triumphs, and the feelings of God's presence I have experienced with you all, the people who helped make my YASC mission in Tanzania possible.  So my brothers and sisters in Christ, karibu! Hope to see you soon.

ODU Canterbury staying active this summer

There's been no summer vacation for the ODU Canterbury Center. Students have gathered for Eucharist. Last week they also met for lunch to welcome back students who traveled abroad this summer and to say farewell to those going on to graduate school in the fall. ODU Canterbury Center's mascot, Kuma the dog, joined in the fun!

Register now for Tri-Diocesan Fall Camp Oct. 24-27

Barbara Cawthorne Crafton
This year's Fall Camp, Oct. 24-27 with keynote speaker Barbara Cawthorne Crafton, promises to be another opportunity to gather at Shrine Mont with over 125 folks from all three Episcopal Dioceses in Virginia.
Fall Camp is an opportunity to spend time in the mountains of Virginia with other seniors (but we don't have an age limit) from across the Commonwealth and from other states.  The Camp is an attempt to take seriously the spiritual needs and journeys of primarily retired people. We attempt to challenge participants through keynote speakers, workshops, worship and interaction with one another. We worship together in daily sessions, explore various issues, and participate in one or two session workshops (each session is an hour and a half) on a variety of topics. Click here for a list of this year's workshops. In addition to the scheduled activities, there is plenty of time to sit on the porches, visit with friends, relax, and enjoy the amazing scenery and to explore the surrounding area.  Click here for a Welcome Letter, with lots more info, from the Tri-Diocesan Planning Committee.  Click here for a brochure with registration information.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Mission of the Holy Spirit needs school supplies

Education is one of the most important tools Mission of the Holy Spirit youngsters have to improve their lives and break the cycle of poverty that has plagued their families for generations. Please help the Mission collect school supplies so the kids can start back to school with everything they need for a successful school year. Backpacks for boys and girls of all ages are especially needed. Supplies are needed by August 24 to allow time to sort and pack supplies in backpacks. Call Mission of the Holy Spirit at 757-858-0010 to arrange drop-off or pick-up. Office hours are Monday through Wednesday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.  

Double your donation! Matching grant opportunity at Boys Home

Boys Home is in the midst of a capital campaign called The Journey Continues which will ensure that Boys Home is equipped to continue to serve young men and point them toward success for generations to come. Some of the projects funded by The Journey Continues include cottage and common space renovations, educational upgrades, staff housing renovations, and program marketing initiatives.
You have a unique opportunity to double your donation to Boys Home. The Mary Morton Parsons Foundation has awarded Boys Home a $100,000 Matching Grant to go toward The Journey Continues. This means that until the grant amount is met, all new donations and pledges to The Journey Continues will be matched dollar for dollar.  Click here for more information and learn how to make your donation.

Jackson-Feild promotes Katherine Turner

Jackson-Feild Behavioral Health Services is pleased to announce that Kate Turner has been promoted to the position of Director of Utilization Review. Ms. Turner has held several positions at Jackson-Feild most recently serving as a therapist for residents.
The Director of Utilization Review ensures that children are receiving effective and appropriate treatment services. It is a key position that focuses on ensuring that quality services are provided to residents and that Jackson-Feild is complies with best practice for risk management, performance quality improvement goals, HIPPA requirements and Council on Accreditation standards.
Turner provides oversight of the case management services for children's records. This position interfaces daily with managed care organizations, external reviewers and regulatory entities. She works closely with Virginia's managed care vendor, Magellan, regarding the funding of children's services and issues related to funding.
Turner received her undergraduate degree from Virginia Commonwealth University and her Master's Degree from Liberty University. Her education and experience makes her well qualified to fulfill the responsibilities of her new position.

Jackson-Feild elects new officers and board

Jackson-Feild Behavioral Health Services is proud to announce the election of new officers and two new board members.
James M. Cox
James M. Cox,
Vice President and Partner of Manry Rawls Insurance headquartered in Franklin was named board chair. Mr. Cox is a VMI graduate and received his M.B.A. from William & Mary and is a highly respected executive in the insurance field. He is active in the Franklin community.
M. Stuart Bolton, Jr. will serve as Vice-Chair. Mr. Bolton retired from Dominion Resources as a Senior Vice President. He has served on a number of civic and charitable organizations, and is a proud alumnus of the University of Virginia where he received his accounting degree.
T. Darnley Adamson, III was re-elected as Secretary of the Board. Mr. Adamson has many years of experience in both the insurance and real estate fields and currently owns and operates Green Solutions, LLC, with his son. Mr. Adamson attended Hampden-Sydney College, and is active in charitable and conservation causes.
Craig A. Tilley was re-elected as Treasurer of the Board. Mr. Tilley has had an extensive career in the finance field working for major banks and corporations in Richmond and is currently a Director of Credit at Owens & Minor. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina where he received his degree in economics.
Laura Y. Peery is a newly elected member to the Board of Trustees. Ms. Peery currently is a sales associate for Sotheby's International Realty. After a successful career in marketing and communications, she returned to school to obtain her music therapy certification. For several years, she was a music therapist working with active duty military personnel suffering from combat-related stress. She received Bachelor Degrees from the University of Virginia in psychology and Virginia Commonwealth University in music.
The Rev. Judy W. Davis is assistant rector of All Saints Episcopal Church in Richmond. She was a life-long Episcopalian and was called to the priesthood many years ago. She returned to Virginia Theological Seminary after raising her two children. She was ordained in 2014 and was called to All Saints shortly thereafter.  

Monday, July 25, 2016

Building and sustaining God's Word

By The Rev. Tyler Montgomery, Bruton Parish, Williamsburg
I am pleased to share the good news that the Canterbury Association at William & Mary received $10,000 this month from The Episcopal Church to build and sustain an alumni database. The grant money will fund various student interns throughout the course of the coming academic year. We already have over two hundred alumni names in our database.  The strength of this ministry through the decades is palpable, and we hope that our efforts building and developing an alumni community will further safeguard the future of the ministry.
As the Church continues its permanent struggle to live into God's Word, ministries like the Canterbury Association might provide us with some hope of what the future could look like. There seems to be a diaspora of W&M alumni who have been touched by the life of Christ in this place, and through their collective stewardship Bruton Parish might be empowered to strengthen this ministry well into the future. The "Church" is the collective body of Christian believers who are sustained by Christ, and it is to that very body that we must look for nourishment and guidance in the future. Buildings and graveyards, historic and beautiful though they may be, are only holy in so far as they are connected to the living God of Christ working in the flesh of the Church. Like many other areas of life in our increasingly globalized world, "Church" is less local than in might have been in past generations. This alumni database and outreach is more than simply another potential revenue source for Bruton Parish; it is a way of "being Church" that recognizes our most precious treasure to be the souls of those who have seen Jesus in this place, including those who might now live far away.
These are exciting times for the Church. Contrary to the narrative of decline so common within mainline Protestantism, I am witness to a generation of students and alumni who deeply care about God in this place, and, perhaps more than anything else, that is our witness to the enduring Truth that God's light shines in the darkness.
If you are a William & Mary alumnus or alumna, please let us know by emailing canterbury@wm.edu. We would like to include you in our database!

Pray! Listen! Speak! A message from Bishop Hollerith

Dear Diocesan Family,
From Orlando to Minnesota to Dallas, these past weeks we have heard the voices of people in pain and anguish, and voices crying out for justice. Regardless of which side of the issues we happen to stand on, we are all affected by injustice and all have a stake in seeing that peaceful resolution and reconciliation are the order of the day across our land.    
Given the complexity of the matters at hand and the fact that many of us are physically removed from the unrest, it is easy at times to feel detached and powerless. It is not always clear what, if anything, we might do to make a difference. It is not always clear how we might respond in a way that is faithful to our calling as followers of Christ. And yet I believe that God invites us to be more than passive bystanders.
To that end, I want to suggest three simple things that we can do - both as individuals and as worshiping communities - in response to these events. I offer them as the basis of a spiritual posture which we Episcopalians might assume when faced with social tragedy and conflict.   

Click here to continue reading

Monday, July 18, 2016

Flooding and damage at Boys Home

In June, Boys Home of Virginia was hit by two strong storms, both leaving damage in their path. On June 16, in Alleghany County, a heavy, intense wind storm swept through the area leaving trees and branches down, damage to houses and buildings, and thousands without power. A week later, on June 23, Boys Home was in the path of a storm that brought heavy downpours and flooding waters to the area. Boys Home, fortunately, had no damage to buildings during the wind storm and was not among the hardest hit areas during the flooding. However, we have sustained damage to several parts of the campus that will require extensive repairs. Click here to continue reading.

Delano named Secretary of National Association for Children's Behavioral Health

Patricia H. Delano, President and CEO of Jackson-Feild Behavioral Health Services has been elected Secretary of the Board of Directors of the National Association for Children's Behavioral Health (NACBH).
NACBH is a national organization dedicated to enhancing the availability and delivery of services for children with emotional and behavioral disorders and for their families. For three decades, NACBH has been a force for change to help children. It leverages the knowledge and expertise of its members to serve as leaders who impact legislation and initiate conversation concerning children's mental issues.
With twenty-seven years of experience, Ms. Delano has served as the CEO of Jackson-Feild for the past seven years. She has guided JFBHS through some of its most challenging times in its 161-year history, and the organization is more viable and successful than ever. She welcomes this new opportunity for Jackson-Feild Behavioral Health Services to make a greater impact at the national level.

Seeds of Hope Grant applications due Aug. 1

Seeds of Hope grants are available to congregations and diocesan groups (e.g., affiliated institutions, commissions and task forces) within the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia to support the development or expansion of Social Justice ministries sponsored by diocesan congregations and organizations. Grants are intended to be a catalyst to help parishes and other diocesan-affiliated groups begin or expand their ministries that reflect the biblical call to care and advocate for the "widow, the orphan, and the stranger." It also includes the opportunity for special grants for economic justice causes. Applications are being accepted now. Deadline to apply is August 1. Click here for more info. 

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Presiding Bishop asks for prayers following shootings

Resources for prayer and conversation

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has issued the following video asking every Episcopalian to share in deep prayer following the shootings in the United States. The video is available here.
Many Episcopal groups have prepared resources that may help congregations and individuals in their prayer and conversation this weekend.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Clergy transitions

The Rev. Michael Stone, began as rector time certain, Christ Church, Amelia, on April 1
The Rev. Dr. Thomas D. Bauer, began as Interim Rector at Manakin, Midlothian, on June 4
The Rev. Robert R. (Bob) Gilman, began as Priest-in-Charge Time Certain at Glebe, Suffolk, on June 12

The Rev. Jack Lynch will leave Christ the King, Tabb, for a call in Rhode Island; July 24 will be his last Sunday. 

Be ready for the start of Sunday school with Safe Church training

While you're preparing for the start of Sunday school in the Fall, don't forget to make sure your program leadership has completed Safe Church training. The next classroom trainings will be held on Saturday, August 27 at Christ & Grace, Petersburg, and on Saturday, September 17 at Galilee, Virginia Beach. Online Safe Church training is also available. Click here for more information. 

Dedication of sign and cornerstone at the site of St. Andrew's, Victoria

On Sunday, July 10 at 1 p.m., a memorial sign and cornerstone will be dedicated at the site where St. Andrew's, Victoria, once stood. In 1995, St.Andrew's joined St. Paul's to become the Episcopal Church of St. Paul & St. Andrew in Kenbridge. In May 2014, the St. Andrew's church building burned. It was secularized and demolished in 2015. The memorial sign reads:

"St. Andrew's Episcopal Church was erected here in 1921. in October of 1908, Reverend Girard William Phelps, who came to Victoria from North Carolina, who had been appointed to mission work in the Victoria area by The Right Reverend Beverley D. Tucker, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of southern Virginia. Reverend Phelps first held services in St. Paul's, the "old brick" Episcopal Church, one and one-half miles north of Victoria on the Crewe Road. The original St. Andrew's Episcopal Church structure was built in 1908 at First Street and Lunenburg Avenue in Victoria. The Reverend Herbert H. Young arrived in 1916 to assist. Mr. Phelps died in 1918. Mr. Young continued as rector of the Parish until 1921, and it was during his tenure that a larger, brick St. Andrew's was built on this corner of Ninth St. and Washington Ave. in 1921. This marker memorializes those early Episcopalian priests and all who worshiped here through out the twentieth century. In 1995 St. Andrew's joined St. Paul's to become the Episcopal Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew of Kenbridge. Sadly, the St. Andrew's church building burned in May 2014, and was subsequently secularized and demolished in August of 2015."

New online courses at ChurchNext

Summertime is a great time to take advantage of some of the courses available at ChurchNext.tv. There are some new offerings available too.

First, in these tumultuous times, would you like to learn more about renewing your congregation? In conjunction with Forward Movement, seasoned clergyman Jay Sidebotham offers Five Keys to Renewing Your Church, available in both For Individuals and For Groups formats.

Also, does your church work with a local public school? In partnership with the >All Our Children, National Network we've just launched How to Establish a Church/School Partnership, available in both For Individuals and For Groups formats.

Also, why not consider having your church subscribe to ChurchNext? They have a special congregation rate of $300 for the year for unlimited access for your whole church. Maybe this is the year to try it. Email for details at hello@churchnext.tv.

Look for big developments in the weeks ahead: ChurchNext will be launching work from Bishops Ian Douglas and Kirk Smith. Also, in just a few weeks they'll be launching the first-ever online certificate for Vestry Leadership, as well as another free 'Big Class' in the works to help us get through the upcoming presidential election.

Hyppolite recognized by VCU School of Social Work

Marie Hyppolite, Senior Clinician for Jackson-Feild Behavioral Health Services was honored by Virginia Commonwealth University' s School of Social Work with their 2016 Amy Rosenblum Award.
This award is given to field work instructors who supervise undergraduate and graduate social work interns during their field placement with a human/behavioral health organization. It embodies excellence in teaching and supervising students in an on-going collaboration with the School of Social Work. It the School of Social Work's most prestigious award. The recipient receives a monetary honorarium.
Ms. Hyppolite has guided many students in their development as professional social workers and the school was very happy to accord her this honor for 2016. She was recognized at an appreciation luncheon for all field instructors.
Ms. Hyppolite began her career at JFBHS in 1993 as a case manager at the Eleventh House which was a community-based group home operated by Jackson-Feild to prepare residents for independent living. She was later named director. She moved to Walnut Grove in 2009 to serve as a therapist and was later promoted to senior clinician.
She received her undergraduate from Oral Roberts University and her Master of Social Work from Virginia Commonwealth University. She is forever working to improve her skills and is currently working toward certification for EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) which is an effective psychotherapy to treat children with posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Help students get connected to campus ministry

In an effort to increase outreach to those headed off to colleges in our diocese, click here to submit the names and any information you have on your college-bound students. The diocesan-sponsored Canterbury ministries at the College of William and Mary, Old Dominion University, and Hampden-Sydney/Longwood Universities are eager to welcome new students. Please fill out the survey for anyone headed to a college within our diocese, even if it is not one of the aforementioned universities. We want to make sure students are able to get in touch with a ministry wherever they go!

You can find a link to the form and much more information on campus ministry on the diocesan website, www.diosova.org/college.