Wednesday, August 17, 2016

New lunch group and email listserv for parish secretaries and communicators

Diocesan staff have been hosting monthly lunch groups and an email listserv for church staff and volunteers involved in parish administration. Over time this group has focused more and more on financial issues, becoming less useful to parish secretaries and communicators.
For that reason we're exploring the possibility of an additional lunch group and email listserv that will focus on secretarial and communication issues.

The monthly brown bag lunch gatherings are very casual. There's no agenda, just come with whatever questions you have, or just to socialize. It's a great way to connect with and learn from colleagues and share frustrations with folks who understand. The listserv offers easy email access to a peer group to share resources or get answers to questions.  

If you are a church staff person or volunteer involved in these areas, we want to hear from you. Contact Communications Officer Ann Turner if either of these opportunities would be of interest to you, or 757-213-3388.