Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Join us for World Drawing God Day

Karen Keifer, author of the children’s book Drawing God was inspired to write the book when she overheard a conversation between two children in the grocery store.  One child said “My mother said you shouldn’t talk about God in school because it makes people feel uncomfortable.”  That conversation inspired not only the creation of the Drawing God children’s book; it also morphed into intergenerational creative conversations across many faith traditions - highlighting that “we all see God differently”.  

November 9 is the second World Drawing God Day and you are invited to participate in this intergenerational event. There are a number of free on-line programs that you can take part in, including a reading of the book by Karen Kiefer. Visit https://www.drawing-god.com/2020-events  to learn more and register for the on-line program opportunities.  However, even if you choose not to take part in the online programs, you can still be part of World Drawing God Day 2020 by sharing your creation using the hashtag #drawinggod and if you send a copy of your creation to lfarlin@diosova.org we would love to include it in our own diocesan online gallery.   

So grab some paper and art supplies and show the world the answer to this question - How do you see God?


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

EYC Game Night this Thursday

This Thursday, October 15, is our biweekly youth game night. Any youth are encouraged to join us to play some games and escape their homework for a bit. This week we will be playing the popular game Among Us.  Even if you haven’t joined us before, we would still love for you to pop in and hang out with us for the evening. You will need a device with which to connect to the game. Sign up here to get the Zoom log in information. Hope to see you then!

Advent Virtual Roundtable

As we continue to navigate Christian formation during COVID, Advent & Christmas will require some creativity. Our colleague group will meet for a virtual roundtable to share resources, wisdom, and ideas for this fast approaching season. Whether your plans are undecided or plans are confirmed, join CE-Net (the Diocesan Christian Education Network) on Thursday, Oct. 22 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss what we can do to support our communities during Advent & Christmas. Click here to register and obtain the Zoom log in information.

Boys Home of Virginia celebrates Donnie Wheatley’s 35 years of service

On Thursday, October 15 and Friday, October 16, Boys Home of Virginia will host “Two Days of Giving” in honor of their executive director, Mr. Donnie Wheatley’s 35 years of service. Friends, family and supporters are encouraged to give Mr. Wheatley a call to congratulate him and make a pledge toward the $35,000 fundraising goal. Please call 540-965-7704 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on those days. To add to the fun, on Friday afternoon at 2 p.m., staff and students will “Stick it to Mr. Wheatley!” They will literally stick him to a wall with duct tape! Boys Home is accepting donations of $5 for a stretch of tape or $35 for a whole roll! (Please do not send tape. This is just a fundraising opportunity.)

As a precursor to this event, Boys Home has been posting silly pictures of Mr. Wheatley in various locations and poses on their Facebook page and Instagram. If you haven’t see them, definitely check them out. During these two days of giving, they will continue to post pictures and videos of all the fun activities and shenanigans going on!
For more information or if you would like to make a donation, please visit our website at www.boyshomeofva.org or give Melinda a call 540-965-7707.

Join us for Friendsgiving at Chanco on the James November 20-22

Looking for a fall getaway with your friends and family? We have the answer for you! Join us at Chanco for Friendsgiving November 20-22! Enjoy a time of fellowship and gratitude during the most gorgeous time of year at Chanco. This event will include activities such as traditional Thanksgiving fare, hayrides, pumpkin carving, tomahawk throwing, archery, football on the big screen, candy apples, friends/family trivia games, campfires, worship and more! Accommodations are in our retreat lodges at the bluff and pricing includes all meals and activities. Click here for a flyer with more information. Visit www.chanco.org to register today!

General Convention Task Force invites Episcopalians to participate in survey “Social Justice and the Episcopal Church: A Call for Stories”

The Task Force on Theology of Social Justice Advocacy invites Episcopalians to participate in a survey, “Social Justice and the Episcopal Church: A Call for Stories”.

In the work of contemplating the theology of social justice advocacy in The Episcopal Church, the Task Force recognizes that different people have vastly different perspectives and experiences. For some, social justice advocacy may seem somewhat peripheral to their spiritual lives in the church; for others, social justice may have become an important focal point of their theology over time; for still others, the struggle for social justice is fundamental to and inseparable from their experience of what it is to be a Christian.
The members of the Task Force would like to gather stories and deeper perspectives to support their work on behalf of the Church and invite Episcopalians to consider sharing their experience by completing the survey, “Social Justice and the Episcopal Church: A Call for Stories”.
The survey will take approximately 15-30 minutes to complete and is available in English here, in Spanish here, and in French here. Survey responses are due by November 5, 2020. For questions or additional information, please email tfsja.episcopal@gmail.com.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Monday, October 12, Diocesan Offices closed

On Monday, October 12, the offices of the Diocese of Southern Virginia will be closed. Officially the day, known as “Columbus Day,” commemorates the arrival of Christopher Columbus on American soil in 1492. The arrival of Columbus paved the way for Europeans to inhabit, explore, and ultimately take possession of the land. However, there were already indigenous people inhabiting this land; therefore, we use this day to remember and honor those people as well. The names of the tribes of indigenous people who inhabited the grounds on which the Diocese of Southern Virginia rests include the following:

Cherokee, Chickahominy, Manahoac, Meherrin, Monacan, Nahyssand, Nansemond, Nottaway, Occaneechi, Powhatan, Saponi, Shawnee, Tutelo, Rappahannock, Mattaponi and Melungeons

The relationship of these native people with the land was such that they did not comprehend the notion of “ownership” in the same way as did their European visitors. The natives understood the land as something that was given into their care, but not their possession. As such, they did not recognize when their ability to care for it had been taken from them.

This Monday, as we commemorate Columbus Day, let us remember not only the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas, but also the people who lived here and watched him and others like him arrive on their homelands. Because of their great love and care for creation, a good way to commemorate the day would be to get outside and enjoy the day in Creation. Garden, take a hike, walk along the beach, breathe fresh air…and utter profound thanks to God for His gift of Creation to us and our chance to care for it. We do not necessarily own the land upon which we walk. We are stewards of it, and it is given into our diligent care.

-- Bishop Haynes