The Tri-Diocesan Council on Aging will hold its annual Fall Camp Oct. 23-26 at Shrine Mont in Orkney Springs, VA. Details and registration will be available in July.
by popular demand will be storyteller, sanctuary gardener, author and
ordained minister, Terry Hershey, as our keynote speaker. Bishop Martin
Townsend, retired bishop of the Diocese of Easton, returns as
chaplain. Once Again we will be entertained by Folk-Theologian Ed Kilbourne.
Camp is an opportunity to spend time in the mountains of Virginia with
other seniors (but we don't have an age limit) from across the
Commonwealth and from other states. The Camp is an attempt to take
seriously the spiritual needs and journeys of primarily retired people.
We attempt to challenge participants through keynote speakers,
workshops, worship and interaction with one another. In addition to the
scheduled activities, there is plenty of time to sit on the porches,
visit with friends, relax, and enjoy the amazing scenery and to explore
the surrounding area.