The James Solomon Russell Celebration planned for March 30 at St. Stephen's, Petersburg has been cancelled.
St. Stephen's, Petersburg, invites you to join them for the dedication of an historical marker for Bishop Payne Divinity School on March 29, at 11 a.m.
Established in 1878, the school began as the Theological Department
of the St. Stephen's Episcopal Church Normal and Industrial School,
and for more than 70 years it prepared black men for the priesthood in
the Episcopal Church. The Rev. Giles B. Cooke headed the vocational
school and was instrumental in developing the divinity school. Later,
the school was named for the Rt. Rev. John Payne, first bishop of
Liberia. For more information about the dedication and historical
marker, contact the Rev. Willis Foster, or 804-733-6228.