Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Leading a Holy Life Task Force Prepares to Launch Blogsite

The Leading a Holy Life Task Force is a group of lay and ordained persons from the Diocese of Southern Virginia called together by our bishop for the following purposes:
  • To foster conversation throughout the diocese around issues of human sexuality.
  • To foster awareness in the diocese around issues of human sexuality that will be addressed at the 2012 General Convention.
  • To support a strong and healthy community within the diocese which allows us to confidently, courageously and compassionately address these issues in the midst of our differences.
The Task Force is preparing to launch a blogsite with weekly postings around specific questions related to human sexuality. Such questions might include the following:
  • What is our theology of blessing? What are we asking of God when we ask God to bless a marriage, a house, or a child's school backpack?
  • What resources from scripture and tradition might help us to stay connected to our church when our church moves in a direction we think contrary to God's will? What from the same resources might help us to stay connected to our church when it refuses to move in a direction we think willed by God?
  • From the time I was a child I was taught that the bible says homosexuality is a sin. Is there any reason to think otherwise?
The Task Force is dedicating its time from now through the fall to identify specific questions we think should be raised up in our diocese. We will develop a reflection on each question that will serve as the main posting for a specific week. We will invite all members of the diocese to read the postings and respond. In this way we will foster conversation, raise awareness, and strengthen a sense of community in our diocese. Watch the Diocesan eNews and website for a link to the blogsite when it goes live.