Monday, August 27, 2018

Historic St. Luke's hosts Living History event

On Saturday, Sept. 8, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Virginia's oldest church building, Historic St. Luke's in Smithfield, will host a living history event, 17th Century Isle of Wight County. Event activities include a presentation on early 17th-century clothing and adornment, period vendors selling their wares, reenactors/living historians demonstrating sword play and more, a concert by the Locrian Consort introducing instruments such as the sackbut, and much more. Click here for complete details and to purchase tickets.  

VTS offers online course: Digital Literacies for Ministry

The Center for the Ministry of Teaching at Virginia Theological Seminary is offering an eight-week online course, Digital Literacies for Ministry. This course is for all faith leaders - Christian formation leaders, church communicators, and others. The Digital Literacies class will begin on September 25 and go for eight weeks. There will only be two times when the class will meet synchronously for bible study. That time and day will be determined after the class begins. All the work will be done online in the VTS learning management system, Brightspace, and Zoom. Cost is $150. Click here to register.  

Data from 2017 Parochial Reports available

The Rev. Canon Dr. Michael Barlowe, Executive Officer of the General Convention, has announced that data from the 2017 Parochial Reports of the Episcopal Church is now available in English and Spanish here. Canon Barlowe observed that the 2017 data "continues recent trends, with decline in key membership and attendance figures," although "congregational income through pledges and other offerings has increased," even as overall numbers of congregants have decreased.
The Parochial Report is the oldest, continuous gathering of data by the Episcopal Church. By tradition and canon, the reporting requirements are developed by the House of Deputies' Committee on the State of the Church, using a form approved by the church's Executive Council. Overseen by the Executive Officer of General Convention, the Parochial Report touches every congregation of the church. Together with other data, including that of the Recorder of Ordinations and the Registrar of General Convention, the Parochial Report provides an insight to the state of the church.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Save the date: Fall youth events

November Weekend    
This year's November Weekend for grades 6 through 12 will be Friday, November 16 to Sunday, November 18, 2018 at Chanco on the James. Teens along with their adult leaders are invited to attend this faith, fun retreat.  Stay tuned for our theme and registration information. 
2018 National Acolyte Festival
This year's festival is Saturday, October 6 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Washington National Cathedral. Parishes, this is fantastic opportunity to take your acolytes to a morning service of re-dedication and Holy Eucharist and workshops are offered in the afternoon for enrichment.  Click here for more details and to register.

New program available to assist congregations with disaster planning and preparedness

A new disaster management program is now available to help congregations plan for potential incidents, provide direction during times of crises, and foster cooperation in recovery efforts.
Heading this program for the Diocese is Dr. Bill King, diocesan volunteer disaster management coordinator, and the Rev. Willis Foster, rector of St. Stephen's, Petersburg. Both have extensive experience in planning, training, and operations associated with disaster preparedness and incident management.
The central focus of the disaster management program is assisting congregations to develop and maintain an All-Hazard Disaster Management Plan (AHDMP). This AHDMP will enable congregations to evaluate their infrastructure, identify threats, and assess specific vulnerabilities, and develop a plan to address them.
Plan development training for your disaster management team is now available. You should anticipate an eight-hour training session. For additional information and scheduling, please contact Dr. Bill King at 757-572-3853 (cell) or 804-479-3301 (home), or For documentation and training materials contact Diocesan Communications Officer Ann Turner at 757-213-3388 or

Recovery Month services

Friday, August 31, is International Overdose Awareness Day
In honor of the day SpiritWorks Foundation, Bruton Parish, Williamsburg, and the diocesan Addictions and Recovery Commission are hosting a Service of Remembrance at 7 p.m. at Bruton Parish.  Please join us as we remember those who have lost their lives to addiction and support their families and friends who mourn. There will be a short prayer service and an opportunity to light a candle of remembrance. Refreshments and fellowship will follow in the Custis House across the street from the church. Parking is available on Duke of Gloucester Street during the service. Click here for a flyer you can post and share.  
September is Recovery Month
SpiritWorks Foundation is hosting the First Fridays Recovery Eucharist on September 7, at 5:30 p.m. at Bruton Parish, Williamsburg. The service is designed with prayers and readings that focus on helping people find ways to live faithfully in the midst of any kind of suffering, especially individuals and their loved ones who are living with addiction, co-dependence, mental illness, and trauma. We pray for those who are continuing to struggle, mourn those who have died, and celebrate with those who are experiencing the joy of recovery. Parking is available on Duke of Gloucester Street during the service.
For more information contact 757-903-0000 or

Boys Home second annual 5K to include costume contest, games and prizes

On October 20, Boys Home of Virginia is hosting the Howl-O-Ween Hustle 5K and Kids Fun Run, at the Intervale Trailhead of the Jackson River Scenic Trail, in Covington, VA. This outdoor event is focused on bringing runners, families, and pets together for some fall-themed fun! Besides the Fun Run and the 5K, participants can enjoy costume contests, face painting, games, and sweet treats provided by Amy's Cups and Cones.
All runners will receive a Boys Home Howl-O-Ween Hustle 5K and Kids Fun Run T-shirt, and pets will receive a special pet bandana. Top finishers will be given a Howl-O-Ween Hustle commemorative pint glass, and all children will be awarded a participation medal.
Through August 31, individual tickets are $25, and family tickets (2 adults plus children) are $40. September 1 - October 20, individual tickets are $30, and family tickets are $50. Runners may also choose to bring a pet, sponsor a Boys Home runner, or participate in our Virtual 5K!
The Virtual 5K is a new option this year. The Virtual 5K is intended for Boys Home supporters who can't be in Covington for the race, who may be physically unable to run or walk, and all who want to support Boys Home in spirit! Those participating in the Virtual 5K can choose to run, walk, hike, or complete the run "virtually" - from the comfort of their living room! Once we receive your registration, you'll receive your event T-shirt in the mail to display proudly on October 20.
To register, fill out a registration form and send to Boys Home of Virginia, 414 Boys Home Rd., Covington, VA, 24426. Or, visit, or call Colleen at 540-965-7703.