Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Ross Wright's translation of Karl Barth commentary on Ephesians published

The Rev. Ross Wright, rector of Good Shepherd, Richmond, is happy to announce the publication of his translation of Karl Barth's Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians (Baker Academic Press).

From the Baker catalogue: In 1921-22, the same period he prepared the groundbreaking second edition of his Romans commentary, Barth lectured on the exposition of Ephesians at the University of Göttingen. As he did for his courses on other New Testament texts, Barth lectured from a detailed and carefully researched manuscript. The resulting set of lectures, now available in English for the first time, introduces theological and exegetical issues pertinent to the study of Ephesians. The book also includes introductory essays by two world-renowned scholars, Francis Watson and John Webster.

VIPCare Community Open House on Feb. 21

VIPCare (Virginia Institute of Pastoral Care) is celebrating it's 50th anniversary. They invite you to join them at their Community Open House on Tuesday, February 21 from 4 to 6 p.m. Tour the VIPCare offices and meet pastoral and counseling staff. Enter to win raffle giveaways including a Virginia products gift basket. Refreshments will be served. VIPCare is located at 2000 Bremo Road, Suite 105, Richmond, VA. Questions? Call 804-282-8332.

VIPCare is a pastoral counseling center open to everyone. There is a place for you whether you practice a faith tradition or are searching, whether you are looking for support as you take the next steps in life or you feel stuck and unhappy. VIPCare offers child, individual and group counseling, as well as educational programs and internships.
For more information, contact VIPCare at 804-282-8332 or
Visit them online at  

Visit Chanco at an Open House

Have you been hearing about Camp Chanco from your friends and wondered what all the buzz is about? Come see for yourself! Chanco has two open house dates coming up and the events are free and open to the public.  
Visit us on March 4 or May 7 from 1 to 5 pm and meet camp staff, take a tour, enjoy games and activities and fly along a zip line if you dare! Questions? Contact Camp Director Nathan Hoyt at 888-7CHANCO (888-724-2626) or  Bring a friend and remember that for every new friend you refer who registers, you can receive $50 off your own camp tuition.  We look forward to seeing you and your friends on the banks of the James this spring!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Registration open for innovative course: Episcopal Latino Ministry Competency

Registration is now open for the Episcopal Latino Ministry Competency, an innovative nine-day intensive course designed for diocesan staff, clergy, lay leaders, and seminarians to learn cultural competency and ministry to the country's Latino/Hispanic population.     
Offered by the Episcopal Church Office of Latino/Hispanic Ministries in partnership with Seminary of the Southwest, the course will be offered June 18 - 27, 2017, at Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, TX, and will be taught by seminary faculty, lay church leaders and clergy with extensive experience in Latino and intercultural ministry.

Future offerings will be held at Bexley Seabury, Chicago, IL (October 15-24, 2017), and at Bloy House, the Episcopal Theological School at Claremont, CA (June 10-19, 2018).

Click here for more information. Register here.

Women's retreat day

Are you seeking time during Lent for contemplative prayer, music, fellowship and reflection informed by the Celtic tradition? Chanco is hosting a Women's Retreat Day on March 25 for all women ages 18 and older. Come for the day or add an optional overnight retreat on Friday, March 24. Save the date and be on the lookout for registration opening soon. Questions? Contact Ashley Scruggs at or 757-213-3393.

Mid-Atlantic Regional Justice Conference in Hampton March 21-23

The Mid-Atlantic Regional Justice Conference will be held March 21-23 at Hampton Roads Convention Center in Hampton, VA. The conference seeks to: Proclaim a vision that restores hope and confronts our "Just Us" lifestyles; share and learn best practices that will enable us to engage with our neighbors, participating in the holistic transformation of our communities, standing together against systems of injustice; and develop and strengthen relationships that move us beyond talk to actually being the change. Workshop tracks include: Welcoming the Stranger; Race Relations and Reconciliation; Environmental Justice; Engaging the Church in Community Development; Economic Development; Youth and Family. Click here for more information and registration.

Upcoming Cursillo events

Cursillo is a movement within the Episcopal Church. It is an adult retreat designed to help us grow closer to Jesus Christ. It's also a community where we're encouraged to live joyfully and serve faithfully in grace. For more information on Cursillo or to apply to be a candidate or a team member, please visit the Cursillo website at

Cursillo Workshop
- February 18, 4 to 6 p.m. at Emmanuel, Virginia Beach. Join us to examine the future of Cursillo. Hot Dogs/Chips and daycare will be provided. For more information contact Charlie Schindler, 
Cursillo #162 Co-Ed Weekend - April 27-30 at Chanco on the James. Rector: Gerry Lopez of Grace Church, Yorktown. To apply to be a candidate or a team member go to or contact Gerry at
Cursillo #163 Co-Ed Weekend - September 28-October 1 at Chanco on the James. Rector: Jim Thurmond of St. George's, Newport News. To apply to be a candidate or a team member go to  or contact Jim at