Thursday, February 16, 2012

Absalom Jones service

There will be a service celebrating the life and work of Absalom Jones on Sunday, February 26, 4 p.m., at St. Augustine's, Newport News. Absalom Jones (1746-1818), ordained in 1804, was the first African-American priest in the Episcopal Church. All are welcome! A repast will follow the service.

Training opportunity for new vestry members

"Who's on First? Equipping & Guiding New Vestries" is a brand new vestry training workshop being offered March 24 at Christ & Grace, Petersburg and again on April 28 at Emmanuel, Hampton. Healthy, skilled vestries who understand their role in the life of the church and their relationship to the clergy and the congregation are essential in creating and maintaining vital congregations. This workshop is designed for new vestry members, and will include:
  • Presentations on the role and duties of the vestry
  • Best practices
  • How to deal with conflict
  • Role-play and discussion of common challenges that vestries face
Click here for information and registration for the March 24 session. Deadline to register for this session is March 10.
Click here for information and registration for the April 28 session
. Deadline to register for this session is April 13.

Workshop focuses on ministry with the aging

A Changing Landscape: Ministry with the Aging is a new workshop that will be offered March 6, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at St. Martin's, Williamsburg. Vic Maloy, executive director of the Virginia Institute of Pastoral Care, will offer guidance in understanding the issues involved in the last half of life and assist us in charting a new course allowing the church to have a strong new response. Click here for more information and registration.

Workshop on year-round stewardship coming in May

"Gratitude, Giving and Gladness: Making the Move to Year Round Stewardship" is the first in a series of annual stewardship events for our diocese. This first event will be held Saturday, May 19 at St. Martin's, Williamsburg, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and is designed for parish teams of up to three persons which may include clergy and stewardship chairs. Cost for the event is $25.00 per person. Deadline for registration is Monday, May 7. Click here to register.    

Our presenter for this event is Susan Lee Vick, founding chair of the Commission on Gratitude in the Diocese of Northern California. An in-demand preacher, speaker, consultant, and trainer, Susan celebrates the ministry of stewardship as "the joy business," a lifelong opportunity to learn and teach that it really is more blessed to give than to receive. Susan is the Co-author of Grateful, Glad, and Giving: Year Round, Abundance Based, Stewardship, Congregations around the country have found Grateful, Glad, and Giving an engaging, highly customizable, and integrated approach to stewardship, leadership development, and congregational revitalization. "G3," as it's affectionately known, spotlights and amplifies abundance, on all fronts. Susan is a postulant for ordained priesthood, the founder and Chief Development Officer of the Church Investment Group, and the mother of four children aged 14 - 22. Her home parish, The Church of the Incarnation, is in Santa Rosa, California.

Union of Black Episcopalians hosts first annual Bishop's Ball

The Diocese of Southern Virginia Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE) is sponsoring an evening of great food and dancing on Saturday, June 9 at the Norfolk Waterside Marriott Hotel. The Gala event is a fundraiser supporting Saint Paul's College and the local UBE Chapter. Tickets are $60 and will be available at the UBE table during Annual Council. If you have any questions, please contact Olivia Osei-Sarfo at 757-288-2611 or David Flores at 757-466-1991 or

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Believe Out Loud training workshop in Norfolk

This workshop, offered by Formation Ministries and Integrity USA, will help you to speak to people in your church about why it's important to welcome and include LGBT people in the life of your church communities and will offer tools to help your church become an inclusive and welcoming community. Workshop is Saturday, February 25, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (lunch provided) in the Gunn Conference Center, Norfolk. Click here to register.

Lenten silent retreat at Chanco

A Lenten silent retreat, "Be Still and Know that I am God," will be offered at Chanco March 16-18. Come away this Lent to be with our Lord through worship, guided meditations, labyrinth walks and nature. Beginning after dinner on Friday through Eucharist and lunch on Sunday, this is an opportunity to be in contemplative silence with God. Sponsored by St. Aidan's, Virginia Beach and led by Wendy Wilkinson, M.Div. Click here for a retreat brochure.