Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Christian Formation leaders take part in Essential Building Dimensions program

Christian Formation leaders from Southern Virginia joined with colleagues from Diocese of Maryland this past weekend at Virginia Theological Seminary to take part in a new initiative, Essential Building Dimensions. This program is designed to help formation professionals to be effective leaders in the Episcopal Church through sharing and developing resources, relationships, nurturing and support. This new initiative is sponsored in partnership by the Diocese of Southern Virginia and the Diocese of Maryland. Pictured L to R: Sue Davis, St. David's Chesterfield; Jennifer Nauroth, Emmanuel Hampton; Ann Meyer, St. Martin's Williamsburg; Marguerite Alley, Emmanuel Virginia Beach; Anne Zobel, All Saints Virginia Beach; and Caroline Black, Canon for Formation.

There's still time to join the diocesan choir for our Service of Repentance, Reconciliation & Healing

It's not too late to join the Diocesan Choir for our Service of Repentance, Reconciliation & Healing on November 2. This choir is open to all singers who wish to participate. There are only two rehearsals for this choir, which will be conducted by Kevin Kwan, music director at Christ & St. Luke's. The rehearsals will be held at Christ and St. Luke's, Norfolk, and will be on Saturday, October 19 from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., and Saturday, October 26 from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. The warm-up on the day of the service (November 2) will be at 10 a.m. The repertoire for the service (two choral anthems) will be sent out in September. There is no audition for this choir, but it comes with the understanding that singers will prepare the music before the rehearsals. If you are interested, please email kevin.kwan@christandstlukes.org, giving your name, parish, and voice part. The deadline to sign up is September 17. Rectors and choir directors - please forward this information to anyone in your parish who might be interested in this opportunity.

Upcoming Safe Church training

There are currently two upcoming opportunities for Creating Safe Churches for Congregations and Children classroom training. These sessions are recommended for all vestry members, church employees and licensed Eucharistic Visitors. Any parishioners, volunteers, clergy and staff who work with children are requested to complete the Child module. 

September 21 at Grace Church, Norfolk
Click here for details and registration.

September 28 at Johns Memorial, Farmville
Click here for details and registration.

Upcoming Diocesan ECW events

Diocesan ECW Board Meeting
September 7, 10 a.m.
St. Francis, Virginia Beach
 Click here for information and registration.

Crossing Borders: Women to Women
Saturday, Sept. 21, 10 a.m. to noon
Good Shepherd, Norfolk
The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) of the Diocese of Southern Virginia invite you and your parish to learn more about what's happening in the Congo and what the Episcopal Church is doing to help at "Crossing Borders: Women-to-Women," a brunch and presentation on Saturday, September 21, from 10 a.m. to noon, at the Church of the Good Shepherd, 7400 Hampton Boulevard, Norfolk. Our speaker is the Rev. Deacon Carey Dougherty Chirico of St. George's, Fredericksburg. Donations of $10.00 per adult and $5.00 per student are requested and can be sent to Mrs. Grace Martino-Strid, 3457 Chesapeake Blvd., Norfolk, VA 23513 by September 16. Reservations can also be made by phone, 757-853-8520. We are serving food with an African theme. Please reserve your space now and so we will know how much food to prepare!  Click here for a registration form.

Jackson-Feild residents treated to a day on Lake Gaston

Nineteen residents of Jackson-Feild Homes recently spent a day at Lake Gaston thanks to some very special friends.
Mrs. Carol Weigel and Mrs. Jane Roundtree are neighbors and members of the Lake Gaston Ladies Club. This club has been very supportive of Jackson-Feild and its residents. They enlist other neighbors and friends to help sponsor this outing.

The boys and girls arrived at 9:00 and were greeted and welcomed by their hosts after which they headed for the water to swim or hop in a paddle boat. Three volunteers provided motorboats and the children were given a tour of the lake. For most of the residents it was the first time they had ever been on a boat. They returned to lunch which was a meal fit for a king. Carol Weigel had prepared a detailed schedule of events to keep the residents busy when they were not in the water. After lunch lawn games were held with each winner receiving a prize and then it was back to the water for more swimming.

At the end of the day residents thanked everyone for their hospitality and kindness. This marked the second year in a row that the children were able to spend the day at Lake Gaston thanks to members of this club.

A good time was had by one and all and it is a day that will be long remembered by the residents.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Nominations for Annual Council Elections

Nominations for elections to held at our 122nd Annual Council (Feb. 7-8, 2014) are now being accepted. The nomination form is available on our website. You will also find information about and requirements for each position open for election. Nominations are due by December 7, 2013.

Elections to take place at Annual Council are Standing Committee (1 Lay and 1 Clergy), Disciplinary Board (1 Lay and 2 Clergy), Provincial Synod (1 Lay), and General Convention Deputation (4 Lay Deputies and 4 Lay Alternates; 4 Clergy Deputies and 4 Clergy Alternates).

CE-Net Speaker Series: Youth Missioner Ashley Scruggs

Join CE-Net (Christian Education Network) on Thursday, September 12, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., as they host Diocese of Southern Virginia's Youth Missioner Ashley Scruggs. Ashley coordinates training, communication, and events for youth, young adults, and their leaders. In addition, she serves Province III as the Coordinator for Campus Missions. In this session, we will take a look at what's real for youth and young adults today. Come hear some potentially surprising information about risk behaviors, social life, and spiritual perspectives. Invigorate your ministry by learning more about needs and motivations of young people. Join with us in reflection on the place of the church in the lives of young people and strategies we might use to minister more effectively to these younger generations. This session will be particularly relevant for clergy, youth leaders, and anyone working with parish formation. Click here for registration.